Call for papers
You will find the complete call here.
The scope of the conference is broad, and we welcome submissions from the full spectrum of corporate governance, whether it is from law, economics, finance, accounting, or management. The conference invites manuscripts on the topic of corporate governance in general and manuscripts that concern the Nordic model in particular.
The conference provides a forum to present research, debate and discuss current developments impacting corporate governance issues.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Nordic corporate governance in a globalized world
- Laws, regulation and judicial efficiency
- Stakeholders, employees and corporate governance
- Ownership differences and ownership forms
- Institutional investors and shareholder activism
- Accounting and auditing
- Boards, management and managerial incentives
- Political perspectives, taxes, and the influence of the state on Nordic capitalism
- Informal governance and reputational factors
- Nordic corporate governance in a historical perspective
- Corporate Social Responsibility