Employee Profile

Tore Bakken

Professor Emeritus - Department of Communication and Culture


Bakken, Tore (2020)

Samfunnets Konstitusjon. Searle versus Luhmann

Novus Forlag.

Bakken, Tore & Wiik, Eric Lawrence (2018)

Ignorance and Organization Studies

Organization Studies, 39(8), s. 1109- 1120. Doi: 10.1177/0170840617709312 - Full text in research archive

The article discusses ignorance and organization studies, both as a topic of study and a basic problem of organization theory understood as design theory. How should we regard knowledge not yet known? Is the development of knowledge a straightforward illumination of a defined box, or does knowledge also have a dark side, growing even faster than the illuminated side? In this article, we propose that more extended research into ignorance in organization studies is needed. And since ignorance is a product of inattention, we draw on Herbert Simon’s investigation into the science of the artificial. Among the topics we explore are unpredictable environments, the interface between inner and outer environments, vagueness and unspecified ignorance.

Bakken, Tore (2017)

Krise og ansvar - problemer og utfordringer i samfunn preget av risiko og kriser

Hafting, Tore (red.). Krisehåndtering, planlegging og handling

Bakken, Tore (2016)

Tillitens risiko

Høyer, Hans Christian; Kasa, Sjur & Tranøy, Bent Sofus (red.). Tillit, styring, kontroll

Bakken, Tore (2014)

George Spencer Brown

Helin, Jenny; Hernes, Tor, Hjorth, Daniel & Holt, Robin (red.). The Oxford handbook of process philosophy and organization studies

Bakken, Tore & Wiik, Eric Lawrence (2013)

Some thoughts on the "application" of systems theory

Zaneva, Magdalena (red.). Nachtflug der Eule: 150 Stimmen zum Werk von Niklas Luhmann ; Gedenkbuch zum 15. Todestag von Niklas Luhmann (8. Dezember 1927 Lüneburg - 6. November 1998 Oerlinghausen)

Bakken, Tore & Wiik, Eric Lawrence (2013)

Fra filosofi til teori om samfunnet: Introduksjon til Niklas Luhmanns sosiologi

Bakken, Tore & Wiik, Eric Lawrence (red.). Sosiologisk teori. Niklas Luhmann ; utvalg, oversettelse og innledning ved Tore Bakken og Eric Lawrence Wiik

Bakken, Tore & Wiik, Eric Lawrence (2013)

Sosiologisk teori. Niklas Luhmann ; utvalg, oversettelse og innledning ved Tore Bakken og Eric Lawrence Wiik

Akademika forlag.

Håkansson, Håkan; Olsen, Per Ingvar & Bakken, Tore (2013)

Agency and Economizing in Interacted Economies

The IMP Journal, Volume 7(2), s. 106- 111.

Bakken, Tore; Holt, Robin & Zundel, Mike (2013)

Time and play in management practice: An investigation through the philosophies of McTaggart and Heidegger

Scandinavian Journal of Management, 29(1), s. 13- 22. Doi: 10.1016/j.scaman.2012.09.003

Bakken, Tore & Hernes, Tor (2010)

Organizing is both a verb and a noun: Weick meets Whitehead

Sage Publications.

Hernes, Tor & Bakken, Tore (2010)

Implications of self-reference: Niklas Luhmann's Autopoiesis and Organization Theory

Sage Publications.

Bakken, Tore; Hernes, Tor & Wiik, Eric (2009)

An autopoietic understanding of innovative organization

Magalhaes and Sanches (eds.), Autopoiesis in Organization theory and practice

Bakken, Tore; Hernes, Tor & Wiik, Eric (2009)

Innovation and organizations: An overview from the perspective of Luhmann's autopoiesis

Magalhães, Rodrigo & Sanchez, Ron (red.). Autopoiesis in organization theory and practice

Bakken, Tore (2008)

Risk, responsibility and conscience

Ch. Garsten and T. Hernes (eds), Ethical dilemmas in management

Bakken, Tore (2007)

Forbrukets risiko, sikkerhetens risiko

Forbrukersosiologi. Makt, tegn og mening i forbrukersamfunnet, Schjelderup og Knudsen (red)

Hernes, Tor; Bakken, Tore & Olsen, Per Ingvar (2006)

Spaces as processes: Developing a recursive perspective on organizational space

Steward Clegg and Martin Kronberger (eds.) Space, Organizations and Management Theory

Bakken, Tore (2006)

Risikokommunikasjon. En analytisk tilnærming til studiet av matsikkerhet

Unipub forlag.

Bakken, Tore & Hernes, Tor (2006)

Organizing is both a noun and a verb: Weick meets Whitehead

Organization Studies, 27(11), s. 1599- 1616.

Bakken, Tore (2006)

Bevissthet og sosial virkelighet Searle versus Luhmann

Sosiologisk Tidsskrift, 14(2), s. 119- 145.

Bakken, Tore (2004)

Den kontekstuelle annonsen

Stein Erik Selfors: "Annonsen. En bok om reklamefaget og verdens mest benytede reklameform

Bakken, Tore (2004)

Organisering og logikk

Nordiske organisasjonsstudier, 6(3), s. 49- 74.

Hernes, Tor & Bakken, Tore (2003)

Implications of self-reference: Niklas Luhmann’s autopoiesis and organization theory

Organization Studies, 24(9)

Bakken, Tore & Hernes, Tor (2002)

Kap. 4- 2 The macro-micro problem in organization theory: Luhmann's autopoiesis as a way of handling recursivity

Autopoietic organization theory

Bakken, Tore & Hernes, Tor (2002)

Kap. 1. "Introduction: Niklas Luhmann's autopoietic theory and organization studies - a space of connections

Autopoietic organization theory

Bakken, Tore (2001)

Tid og selvreferanse. Historisering og refleksjon i sosiologisk systemteori

Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning (TfS), 42(4), s. 537- 540.

Hernes, Tor & Bakken, Tore (2001)

Selvreferansens implikasjoner: Niklas Luhmanns autopoietiske systemtori og organisasjonsteorien

Nordiske organisasjonsstudier, 3(2)

Bakken, Tore & Brinkmann, Johannes (2022)

Krise, risiko og uvisshet. Sosiologiske refleksjoner

[Non-fiction book]. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Bakken, Tore & Wiik, Eric Lawrence (2017)

Can ignorance be a Resource?

[Popular scientific article]. Communication for Leaders, s. 20- 22.

Bakken, Tore & Hernes, Tor (2008)

Overcoming dichotomies in organizational thinking. Can the concept-pair medium and form provide an answer?

[Academic lecture]. The fourth Organization Studies Summer Workshop, "Embracing Complexity: Advancing Ecological Understanding in Organizational Studies.

Hærem, Thorvald; Bakken, Tore & Rau, Devaki (2008)

Decision Making under Time Pressure: The Influence of Cognitive Style and Expertise on Performance

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Meeting.

Bakken, Tore (2003)

Sikkerhet i risikosamfunnet? Matsikkerhet i lys av etableringen av det nye Mattilsynet

[Report]. Handelshøyskolen BI.

Bakken, Tore (2003)

Tillit og mistillit i offentlig risikokommunikasjon. BSE-konflikten og matvaresektoren

[Report]. Handelshøyskolen BI.

Bakken, Tore (2002)

Risikoens former.En analysestrategisk tilnærming til studiet av matsikkerhet

[Report]. Handelshøyskolen BI.

Hernes, Tor & Bakken, Tore (2002)

Autopoietic organization theory

[Scientific book]. Abstrakt forlag.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2000 University of Oslo Ph.D Dr. Polit.
1980 University of Oslo Mag.art of sociology
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2007 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Professor, Sociology
1998 - 2007 BI Norwegian Business School Associate Professor
1990 - 1997 Norwegian School of Marketing Associate professor
1988 - 1990 University College of Lillehammer Associate Professor
1981 - 1988 Hedmark University College Associate Professor
1980 - 1981 University of Oslo Assistant professor