Employee Profile

Karin Kinnerud

Assistant Professor - Department of Economics


Karin Kinnerud is Assistant Professor of economics at BI Norwegian Business School. Her research focuses on macroeconomics, housing, household finance, and monetary policy. Karin earned her PhD in 2020 from the Institute for International Economic Studies at Stockholm University and holds a MSc in quantitative financial economics from Oklahoma State University.

Please see Karin’s personal homepage for further information.


Kinnerud, Karin (2025)

The Effects of Monetary Policy through Housing and Mortgage Choices on Aggregate Demand

Quantitative Economics

Fjære-Lindkjenn, Jeanette; Aastveit, Knut Are, Karlman, Markus Johan, Kinnerud, Karin, Juelsrud, Ragnar Enger & Wold, Ella Getz (2024)

Hvordan virker utlånsforskriften? En oppsummering av forskningslitteraturen


I denne artikkelen forsøker vi å svare på om utlånsforskriften har virket etter hensikten og hvilke kostnader den påfører husholdningene. Forskningslitteraturen indikerer at boliglånsregulering bidrar til noe lavere gjelds- og boligprisvekst, men at det er mer usikkert om den reduserer husholdningenes sårbarhet for uforutsette hendelser som renteøkninger og arbeidsledighet. Utlånsforskriften påfører samtidig mange husholdninger kostnader ved at den begrenser muligheten for konsumglatting og kan gjøre det vanskeligere for unge å kjøpe sin første bolig. Reguleringen kan også forsterke viktigheten av formuende foreldre for muligheten til boligkjøp. Høy inflasjon og rente kan redusere behovet for forskriften og øke kostnadene.

Karlman, Markus Johan; Kinnerud, Karin & Kragh-Sørensen, Kasper (2020)

Costly reversals of bad policies: The case of the mortgage interest deduction

Review of economic dynamics Doi: 10.1016/j.red.2020.08.003 - Full text in research archive

This paper measures the welfare effects of removing the mortgage interest deduction under a variety of implementation scenarios. To this end, we build a life-cycle model with heterogeneous households calibrated to the U.S. economy, which features long-term mortgages and costly refinancing. In line with previous research, we find that most households would prefer to be born into an economy without the deductibility. However, when we incorporate transitional dynamics, less than forty percent of households are in favor of a reform and the average welfare effect is negative. This result holds under a number of removal designs.

Holm, Martin B.; Natvik, Gisle James, Kinnerud, Karin & Storesletten, Kjetil (2024)

På høy tid å justere avdragskravet

Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]

Kinnerud, Karin (2023)

Guest on the podcast Boligbobla: “Inflasjonsjusterte boligpriser?”


Natvik, Gisle James; Kinnerud, Karin, Holm, Martin Blomhoff & Storesletten, Kjetil (1)

På høy tid å justere avdragskravet

Dagensnæringsliv [Kronikk]

Fjære-Lindkjenn, Jeanette; Karlman, Markus Johan, Kinnerud, Karin & Wold, Ella Getz (1)

Regulering av boliglån har store kostnader

Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]

Kinnerud, Karin; Ellingsrud, Sigmund & Natvik, Gisle James (2024)

The inflation tilt effect

[Academic lecture]. Forskermøtet 2024.

Kinnerud, Karin & Balke, Kasper Kragh (2024)

Mortgage lending standards: Implications for consumption dynamics

[Academic lecture]. Seminar.

Karlman, Markus; Kinnerud, Karin & Balke, Kasper Kragh (2024)

Down-payment requirements: implications for portfolio choice and consumption

[Academic lecture]. HOFIMAR workshop.

Balke, Kasper Kragh; Karlman, Markus & Kinnerud, Karin (2023)

Down-payment requirements: Implications for portfolio choice and consumption

[Academic lecture]. Gorman Conference on Heterogeneity, Inequality, and Aggregate Fluctuations.

Balke, Kasper Kragh; Karlman, Markus & Kinnerud, Karin (2023)

Down-payment requirements: Implications for portfolio choice and consumption

[Academic lecture]. Department seminar University of Glasgow.

Balke, Kasper Kragh; Karlman, Markus & Kinnerud, Karin (2023)

Down-payment requirements: Implications for portfolio choice and consumption

[Academic lecture]. Department seminar Universität Konstanz.

Balke, Kasper Kragh; Karlman, Markus & Kinnerud, Karin (2023)

Down-payment requirements: Implications for portfolio choice and consumption

[Academic lecture]. 3D-In-Macro Midway Workshop, BI Norwegian Business School.

Balke, Kasper Kragh; Karlman, Markus & Kinnerud, Karin (2023)

Down-payment requirements: Implications for portfolio choice and consumption

[Academic lecture]. Consumption and Saving in Macro Workshop Sciences Po, Paris.

Ellingsrud, Sigmund; Kinnerud, Karin & Natvik, Gisle James (2023)

The Inflation Tilt Effect

[Academic lecture]. 1st Arne Ryde Workshop - Micro Data meet Macro Models.

Balke, Kasper Kragh; Karlman, Markus & Kinnerud, Karin (2023)

Down-payment requirements: Implications for portfolio choice and consumption

[Academic lecture]. NorMac Symposium.

Balke, Kasper Kragh; Karlman, Markus & Kinnerud, Karin (2023)

Down-payment requirements: Implications for portfolio choice and consumption

[Academic lecture]. Department seminar Danmarks Nationalbank.

Kinnerud, Karin; Karlman, Markus & Balke, Kasper Kragh (2023)

Down-payment requirements and consumption responses to income shocks

[Academic lecture]. Department seminar Lund University.

Kinnerud, Karin & Lorentzon, Louise (2023)

Dominated pension investments: the role of search frictions and unawareness

[Academic lecture]. AEA 2023 Annual Meeting.

Karlman, Markus Johan; Kinnerud, Karin & Balke, Kasper Kragh (2023)

Down-payment requirements: Implications for portfolio choice and consumption

[Academic lecture]. Echoppe Conference on the Economics of Housing and Housing Policies.

Karlman, Markus Johan; Kinnerud, Karin & Balke, Kasper Kragh (2023)

Down-payment requirements: Implications for portfolio choice and consumption

[Academic lecture]. Echoppe Conference on the Economics of Housing and Housing Policies.

Karlman, Markus Johan; Kinnerud, Karin & Balke, Kasper Kragh (2023)

Down-payment requirements in the housing market: Implications for portfolio choice, consumption dynamics, and welfare

[Academic lecture]. RES 2023 Annual Conference.

Kinnerud, Karin; Balke, Kasper Kragh & Karlman, Markus Johan (2022)

Down-payment requirements and consumption responses to income shocks

[Academic lecture]. Seminar Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Kinnerud, Karin; Balke, Kasper Kragh & Karlman, Markus Johan (2022)

Down-payment requirements and consumption responses to income shocks

[Academic lecture]. Banque de France Conference on Household Heterogeneity.

Kinnerud, Karin; Balke, Kasper Kragh & Karlman, Markus Johan (2022)

Down-payment requirements and consumption responses to income shocks

[Academic lecture]. Norges Bank Workshop on The Heterogeneous Effects of Macro Shocks and Policies.

Kinnerud, Karin; Natvik, Gisle James & Ellingsrud, Sigmund (2022)

Do indebted households benefit from inflation?

[Academic lecture]. Perspectives on Kurtosis in Macroeconomics.

Kinnerud, Karin (2022)

The effects of monetary policy through housing and mortgage choices on aggregate demand

[Academic lecture]. Statistics Norway Seminar.

Kinnerud, Karin; Balke, Kasper Kragh & Karlman, Markus Johan (2022)

Down-payment requirements and consumption responses to income shocks

[Academic lecture]. LMU Munich Macroeconomics.

Kinnerud, Karin & Lorentzon, Louise (2022)

Dominated pension investments: the role of search frictions and unawareness

[Academic lecture]. 44th Meeting of the Norwegian Association of Economists.

Kinnerud, Karin; Balke, Kasper Kragh & Karlman, Markus Johan (2022)

Down-payment requirements and consumption responses to income shocks

[Academic lecture]. 5th Workshop of the Spanish Macroeconomics Network.

Kinnerud, Karin; Balke, Kasper Kragh & Karlman, Markus Johan (2022)

Down-payment requirements and consumption responses to income shocks

[Academic lecture]. Macro-Workshop at the University of St.Gallen.

Kinnerud, Karin (2022)

The effects of monetary policy through housing and mortgage choices on aggregate demand

[Academic lecture]. Fourth Biennial Conference on New Dimensions of Monetary Policy.

Kinnerud, Karin; Balke, Kasper Kragh & Karlman, Markus Johan (2022)

Down-payment requirements and consumption responses to income shocks

[Academic lecture]. Oslo Housing Lab Seminar.

Kinnerud, Karin; Balke, Kasper Kragh & Karlman, Markus Johan (2022)

Down-payment requirements and consumption responses to income shocks

[Academic lecture]. European Economic Association conference.

Kinnerud, Karin (2022)

The effects of monetary policy through housing and mortgage choices on aggregate demand

[Academic lecture]. ECHOPPE Conference on the Economics of Housing and Housing Policies.

Kinnerud, Karin & Lorentzon, Louise (2022)

Dominated pension investments: the role of search frictions and unawareness

[Academic lecture]. CEPR Seventh European Workshop on Household Finance.

Balke, Kasper Kragh; Kinnerud, Karin & Karlman, Markus Johan (2022)

Down-payment requirements and consumption responses to income shocks

[Academic lecture]. University of Pretoria.

Kragh-Sørensen, Kasper; Kinnerud, Karin & Karlman, Markus Johan (2021)

Down-payment requirements and the consumption response to income shocks: Implications for fiscal and monetary policy

[Academic lecture]. Statistics Norway Seminar Series.

Kinnerud, Karin; Karlman, Markus Johan & Kragh-Sørensen, Kasper (2021)

Mortgage lending standards: Implications for consumption dynamics

[Academic lecture]. Oslo Macro Conference.

Kinnerud, Karin; Kragh-Sørensen, Kasper & Karlman, Markus Johan (2021)

Mortgage lending standards: Implications for consumption dynamics

[Academic lecture]. CEPR WE ARE Seminar Series.

Kinnerud, Karin (2021)

The effects of monetary policy through housing and mortgage choices on aggregate demand

[Academic lecture]. Virtual Australian Macroeconomics Seminar.

Kinnerud, Karin (2021)

The effects of monetary policy through housing and mortgage choices on aggregate demand

[Academic lecture]. European Central Bank and Banca d’Italia 7th Conference on Household Finance and Consumption.

Kinnerud, Karin (2021)

Monetary Policy and the Mortgage Market

[Academic lecture]. National Institute of Economic Research Seminar Series.

Kinnerud, Karin (2020)

Monetary policy and the mortgage market

[Academic lecture]. VMACS Junior Conference.

Kinnerud, Karin (2020)

Monetary policy and the mortgage market

[Academic lecture]. CopenhagenMacro Days.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2020 Stockholm University, Institute for International Economic Studies PhD