Employee Profile

Erik Løhre

Associate Professor - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour


Erik Løhre is an associate professor in the Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour at the BI Norwegian Business School. His research focuses on judgment and decision making, with several publications on topics like project estimation, uncertainty communication, and risk perception.


Chandrashekar, Subramanya Prasad; Løhre, Erik, Skjellet, Jenny & Kanten, Alf Børre (2025)

Communicated and Perceived Public Consensus About Climate Change

Collabra: Psychology Doi: 10.1525/collabra.130896

Mayiwar, Lewend; Løhre, Erik, Chandrashekar, Subramanya Prasad & Hærem, Thorvald (2025)

Desire for Status is Positively Associated With Overconfidence: A Replication and Extension of Study 5 in Anderson et al. (2012)

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Løhre, Erik & Halkjelsvik, Torleif Bjordal (2024)

Advice taking when the stakes are high: Evidence from a game show

Judgment and decision making, 19 Doi: 10.1017/jdm.2024.4

Research on advice taking has demonstrated a phenomenon of egocentric discounting: people weight their own estimates more than advice from others. However, this research is mostly conducted in highly controlled lab settings with low or no stakes. We used unique data from a game show on Norwegian television to investigate advice taking in a high stakes and highly public setting. Parallel to the standard procedure in judge–advisor systems studies, contestants give numerical estimates for several tasks and solicit advice (another estimate) from three different sources during the game. The average weight of advice was 0.58, indicating that contestants weighted advice more than their own estimates. Of potential predictors of weight of advice, we did not detect associations with the use of intuition (e.g., gut feeling, guessing) and advice source (family, celebrities, average of viewers from hometown), but own estimation success (the proportion of previous rounds won) was associated with less weight of advice. Solicitation of advice was associated with higher stakes. Together with the relatively high weight on advice, this suggests that participants considered the advice valuable. On average, estimates did not improve much after advice taking, and the potential for improvement by averaging estimates and advice was negligible. We discuss different factors that could contribute to these findings, including stakes, solicited versus unsolicited advice, task difficulty, and high public scrutiny. The results suggest that highly controlled lab studies may not give an accurate representation of advice taking in high stakes and highly public settings.

Løhre, Erik; Høstaker, Markus & Hoprekstad, Øystein Løvik (2024)

Profit Motives, Environmental Motives, and Perceived Corporate Greenwashing Revisited: A Replication and Extension of de Vries et al. (2015)

Psychologia Społeczna, 19, s. 1- 24. Doi: 10.32872/spb.12875

As the climate change crisis has become more evident, a growing number of businesses and organizations have gotten involved in sustainability efforts. But not all corporate sustainability efforts are applauded: sometimes the public accuses companies of greenwashing, i.e., overstating the extent to which the company is environmentally friendly. There is little research on the factors that influence perceived greenwashing amongst the public. Here, we report a replication and extension of one of the few studies of this topic, Experiment 2 in de Vries et al. (2015, https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.1327). The original study found that people perceived more greenwashing when an oil company communicated an environmental motive for a sustainability investment (carbon capture and storage), as opposed to a profit motive, d = 0.98 [0.37, 1.59]. The present pre-registered replication (n = 516) did not find support for this effect, with very little difference in perceived greenwashing depending on communicated motive, d = -0.09 [-0.38, 0.21]. As extensions, we included a condition where a mixed motive (both environment and profits) was communicated, tested the effect using a different type of company than the original, included a measure of general attitudes to the company in addition to perceived greenwashing, and included measures of individual differences in attitudes towards corporate social responsibility and belief in climate change. The most noteworthy exploratory finding was that attitudes were more positive when an environmental or a mixed motive was communicated rather than a profit motive.

Mayiwar, Lewend; Wan, Kai Hin, Løhre, Erik & Feldman, Gilad (2024)

Revisiting representativeness heuristic classic paradigms: Replication and extensions of nine experiments in Kahneman and Tversky (1972)

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (QJEP), s. 1- 24. Doi: 10.1177/17470218241255916

Kahneman and Tversky showed that when people make probability judgements, they tend to ignore relevant statistical information (e.g., sample size) and instead rely on a representativeness heuristic, whereby subjective probabilities are influenced by the degree to which a target is perceived as similar to (representative of) a typical example of the relevant population, class or category. Their article has become a cornerstone in many lines of research and has been used to account for various biases in judgement and decision-making. Despite the impact this article has had on theory and practice, there have been no direct replications. In a pre-registered experiment (N = 623; Amazon MTurk on CloudResearch), we conducted a replication and extensions of nine problems from Kahneman and Tversky’s 1972 article. We successfully replicated eight out of the nine problems. We extended the replication by examining the consistency of heuristic responses across problems and by examining decision style as a predictor of participants’ use of the representativeness heuristic. Materials, data, and code are available on: https://osf.io/nhqc4/

Løhre, Erik; Chandrashekar, Subramanya Prasad, Mayiwar, Lewend & Hærem, Thorvald (2024)

Uncertainty, expertise, and persuasion: A replication and extension of Karmarkar and Tormala (2010)

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 113, s. 1- 13. Doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2024.104619 - Full text in research archive

If you are trying to persuade someone, expressing your opinion with certainty intuitively seems like a good strategy to maximize your influence. However, Karmarkar and Tormala (2010) found that the effectiveness of this tactic depends on expertise. In three experiments, Karmarkar and Tormala found support for an incongruity hypothesis, whereby non-expert sources can gain interest and influence by expressing certainty, while expert sources can increase persuasion by expressing uncertainty. In this Registered Report, we conducted a high-powered (N = 1018) direct replication of Experiment 2 by Karmarkar and Tormala (2010). In a consumer behaviour context, the original study examined whether source expertise moderated the positive effect of source certainty on the persuasive impact of a restaurant recommendation. The present replication failed to find support for the incongruity hypothesis, ηp2 = 0.00 [0.00, 0.02]: expressing certainty had a positive but non-significant effect for non-experts, d = 0.10 [−0.10, 0.34], and a positive effect for experts, d = 0.28 [0.03, 0.52]. Instead, the results supported the competing confidence heuristic hypothesis that expressed certainty would have a positive effect on persuasion, irrespective of source expertise, d = 0.18 [0.01, 0.36]. Extending the original work, we (1) controlled for the reason given for (un)certainty, and (2) examined need for closure as a potential individual difference moderator. The results indicated robust support for the confidence heuristic d = 0.25, [0.12, 0.37], but neither reason for (un)certainty nor need for closure moderated the effect as hypothesized. All materials, data, and code are available on: https://osf.io/hbjyv/

Mayiwar, Lewend; Hærem, Thorvald & Løhre, Erik (2024)

Self-Distancing Regulates the Effect of Incidental Anger (vs. Fear) on Affective Decision-Making Under Uncertainty

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 37(2), s. 1- 12. Doi: 10.1002/bdm.2378

Emotions integral to a task are often adaptive, particularly in situations where outcomes and probabilities are not known. However, decisions are also influenced by emotions that arise from situations unrelated to the task. This is especially the case with negative emotions like fear and anger, which also tend to be accompanied by ruminative thinking that might divert decision-makers' attention from the task at hand. In two preregistered experiments, we show how self-distancing regulates the influence of incidental anger (vs. fear) on decision-making under uncertainty. Participants recalled and reflected on a fear-related or anger-related event from either a self-immersed or self-distanced perspective. Next, they completed a task that is commonly used to measure affective decision-making under uncertainty, the Iowa Gambling Task. The results in both experiments indicated that self-immersed angry (vs. fearful) decision-makers were significantly slower to avoid the risky, disadvantageous decks. These findings demonstrate how the ways in which we process negative emotional events shape their carryover effects in decision-making under uncertainty and point to self-distancing as a potential tool to control incidental emotional influences.

Løhre, Erik & Teigen, Karl Halvor (2023)

When leaders disclose uncertainty: Effects of expressing internal and external uncertainty about a decision

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (QJEP) Doi: 10.1177/17470218231204350 - Full text in research archive

It is generally assumed that decision-makers appear more competent and trustworthy when exuding confidence in their choices. However, many decisions are by their nature uncertain. Is it possible for a decision-maker to admit uncertainty and still be trusted? We propose that the communicated type of uncertainty may matter. Internal uncertainty, which signals lack of knowledge or a low degree of belief, may be viewed more negatively than external uncertainty, which is associated with randomness and complexity. The results of a series of experiments suggested that people viewed leaders as more competent when they expressed uncertainty about a decision in external (“It is uncertain”) rather than internal terms (“I am uncertain”), overall effect size d = 0.45 [0.16, 0.74]. Paradoxically, when asked directly, participants expressed that leaders should be open about uncertainty rather than exuding confidence and downplaying uncertainty. A final study suggested that decision makers were more willing to reveal uncertainty about a choice to others when they perceived the uncertainty as more external and less internal and expected more positive and fewer negative consequences from expressing external rather than internal uncertainty.

Mayiwar, Lewend & Løhre, Erik (2022)

Speakers’ Choice of Frame Reveals Little About Their Trait Emotions but More About Their Preferences and Risk Perception

Collabra: Psychology, 8(1), s. 1- 20. Doi: 10.1525/collabra.57704 - Full text in research archive

Teigen, Karl-Halvor; Juanchich, Marie & Løhre, Erik (2022)

Combining verbal forecasts: The role of directionality and the reinforcement effect

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, s. 1- 13. Doi: 10.1002/bdm.2298 - Full text in research archive

Recent research has shown that when people combine verbal probabilistic forecasts from two sources, they are not simply averaged but can reinforce each other; so when two advisors both said an event was “rather likely,” some listeners concluded that the event was “quite likely”. Conversely, when both said the event was “rather unlikely,” people concluded that it was “quite unlikely.” The present studies demonstrate that the direction of this effect is not evoked by high versus low probabilities, but by the directionality of verbal probability expressions. Some phrases are affirmative, directed towards occurrences (“there is a chance”), whereas others are negations, pointing to the possibility that the event might not occur (“it is not certain”). Two positive phrases are perceived to reinforce each other, even when they convey low probabilities, resulting in a higher combined probability estimate, whereas two negative phrases do the opposite, regardless of the probabilities they convey. We show that this effect occurs both for equal and unequal verbal phrases, regardless of the probability equivalents of the expressions. We also found a positive, but weaker, reinforcement effect of numerical probabilities

Teigen, Karl-Halvor; Juanchich, Marie & Løhre, Erik (2022)

What is a “likely” amount? Representative (modal) values are considered likely even when their probabilities are low

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 171 Doi: 10.1016/j.obhdp.2022.104166 - Full text in research archive

Research on verbal probabilities and standard scales issued by national and international authorities suggest that only events with probabilities above 60% should be labelled “likely”. We find, however, that when people apply this term to continuous variables, like expected costs, it describes the most likely (modal) outcome or interval, regardless of actual probabilities, which may be quite small. This was demonstrated in six studies in which lay participants (N = 2,228) were shown probability distributions from various domains and asked to generate or to select “likely” outcome intervals. Despite having numeric and graphically displayed information available, participants judged central, low-probability segments as “likely” (as opposed to equal or larger segments in the tails) and subsequently overestimated the chances of these outcomes. We conclude that high-probability interpretations of “likely” are only valid for binary outcomes but not for distributions of graded variables or multiple outcomes.

Løhre, Erik; Juanchich, Marie, Sirota, Miroslav, Teigen, Karl Halvor & Shepherd, Theodore G. (2019)

Climate scientists' wide prediction intervals may be more likely but are perceived to be less certain

Weather, Climate, and Society, 11(3), s. 565- 575. Doi: 10.1175/WCAS-D-18-0136.1 - Full text in research archive

Løhre, Erik; Sobkow, Agata, Hohle, Sigrid Møyner & Teigen, Karl Halvor (2019)

Framing experts' (dis)agreements about uncertain environmental events

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 32, s. 564- 578. Doi: 10.1002/bdm.2132

Agreements and disagreements between expert statements influence lay people's beliefs. But few studies have examined what is perceived as a disagreement. We report six experiments where people rated agreement between pairs of probabilistic statements about environmental events, attributed to two different experts or to the same expert at two different points in time. The statements differed in frame, by focusing on complementary outcomes (45% probability that smog will have negative health effects vs. 55% probability that it will not have such effects), in probability level (45% vs. 55% probability of negative effects), or in both respects. Opposite frames strengthened disagreement when combined with different probability levels. Approximate probabilities can be “framed” in yet another way by indicating reference values they are “over” or “under”. Statements that use different directional verbal terms (over vs. under 50%) indicated greater disagreement than statements with the same directional term but different probability levels (over 50% vs. over 70%). Framing and directional terms similarly affected consistency judgments when both statements were issued by the same expert at different occasions. The effect of framing on perceived agreement was significant for medium (10 and 20 percentage points) differences between probabilities, whereas the effect of directional term was stable for numerical differences up to 40 percentage points. To emphasize agreement between different estimates, they should be framed in the same way. To accentuate disagreements or changes of opinion, opposite framings should be used.

Teigen, Karl Halvor & Løhre, Erik (2017)

Expressing (un)certainty in no uncertain terms: Reply to Fox and Ülkümen

Thinking and Reasoning, 23(4), s. 492- 496. Doi: 10.1080/13546783.2017.1314965 - Full text in research archive

Løhre, Erik & Teigen, Karl Halvor (2017)

Probabilities associated with precise and vague forecasts

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 30(5), s. 1014- 1026. Doi: 10.1002/bdm.2021 - Full text in research archive

Forecasts of future outcomes, such as the consequences of climate change, are given with different degrees of precision. Logically, more precise forecasts (e.g., a temperature increase of 3–4°) have a smaller probability of capturing the actual outcome than less precise forecasts (e.g., a temperature increase of 2–6°). Nevertheless, people often trust precise forecasts more than vague forecasts, perhaps because precision is associated with knowledge and expertise. In five experiments, we ask whether people expect highly confident forecasts to be associated with wider or narrower outcome ranges than less confident forecasts (Experiments 1, 2, and 5), and, conversely, whether they expect precise forecasts to be issued with higher or lower confidence than vague forecasts (Experiments 3 and 4). The results revealed two distinct ways of thinking about confidence intervals, labeled distributional (wide intervals seen as more probable than narrow intervals) and associative (wide intervals seen as more uncertain than narrow intervals). Distributional responses occurred somewhat more often in within-subjects designs, where wide and narrow prediction intervals and high and low probability estimates can be directly compared, whereas separate evaluations (in between-subjects design) suggested associative responses to be slightly more frequent. These findings are relevant for experts communicating forecasts through confidence intervals.

Løhre, Erik & Jørgensen, Magne (2016)

Numerical anchors and their strong effects on software development effort estimates

Journal of Systems and Software, 116, s. 49- 56. Doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2015.03.015

Løhre, Erik & Teigen, Karl Halvor (2016)

There is a 60% probability, but I am 70% certain: Communicative consequences of external and internal expressions of uncertainty.

Thinking and Reasoning, 22(4), s. 369- 396. Doi: 10.1080/13546783.2015.1069758

Current theories of probability recognize a distinction between external (un)certainty (frequentistic probabilities) and internal (un)certainty (degrees of belief). The present studies investigated this distinction in lay people’s judgments of probability statements formulated to suggest either an internal (“I am X% certain”) or an external (“It is X% certain” or “There is a X% probability”) interpretation. These subtle differences in wording influenced participants’ perceptions and endorsements of such statements, and their impressions of the speaker. External expressions were seen to signal more reliable task duration estimates, and a lower degree of external than internal certainty was deemed necessary to advise a course of action. In conversations about football, internal expressions were perceived as signaling more personal interest, and were expected to be on the average 10% higher than corresponding external probabilities. Finally, people who reported their outcome expectations for two major sports events let their degree of interest in these events influence their internal but not their external certainty. These results have implications for the communication of uncertainty and probability.

Teigen, Karl Halvor; Løhre, Erik & Hohle, Sigrid Møyner (2015)

Det (u)sikre og det (u)sannsynlige: Hva forskerne sier og hva de (kanskje) mener

Impuls : Tidsskrift for psykologi, 68(1), s. 33- 42.

Løhre, Erik & Teigen, Karl Halvor (2014)

How fast can you (possibly) do it, or how long will it (certainly) take? Communicating uncertain estimates of performance time

Acta Psychologica, 148, s. 63- 73. Doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2014.01.005

Jørgensen, Magne & Løhre, Erik (2012)

First Impressions in Software Development Effort Estimation: Easy to Create and Difficult to Neutralize

Baldassarre, Teresa; Genreo, Marcela, Mendes, Emilia & Piattini, Mario (red.). Evaluation & Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2012), 16th International Conference on

Serres, Nora Rose; Toelch, Ulf & Løhre, Erik (2023)

How to adopt Open Science in the Academic Curriculum?

Panel Discussion (recording on YouTube) [Internett]

Løhre, Erik (2020)

Hvordan uttrykke usikkerhet med pondus?

På en benk med Einar Øverenget [Radio]

Løhre, Erik (2020)

Hvordan tar man gode valg?

Praktisk info med Jon Almaas [TV]

Kaasa, Stein; Haugen, Dagny Renata Faksvåg, Andersen, Sigve, Aass, Nina Kathrine, Brenne, Anne Tove, Gravdahl, Eva-Kristin Norum, Hansson, Anne Marie, Hjorth, Nina Elisabeth, von Hofacker, Sebastian, Lee, Anja, Michelet, Torstein Hagen, Løhre, Erik & Norvaag, Robin (1)

Regjeringen gir dødshjelp til palliativ medisin

Dagens medisin [Kronikk]

Løhre, Erik (2023)

Kan en leder være usikker?

[Popular scientific article]. Dagens næringsliv

Løhre, Erik & Halkjelsvik, Torleif Bjordal (2023)

Weight on advice in a high-stakes setting: Evidence from a game show

[Academic lecture]. SPDUM - Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making.

Teigen, Karl Halvor; Juanchich, Marie & Løhre, Erik (2023)

The probability of “likely”. Do standards of verbal probabilities make sense for graded or multiple outcomes?

[Academic lecture]. SPUDM 2023.

Mayiwar, Lewend & Løhre, Erik (2021)

Fearful speakers use negative frames to describe outcomes.

[Academic lecture]. Social and Community Psychology Conference 2021.

It is well-established that listeners’ decisions depend on how outcomes are described to them, or framed. But how do speakers frame outcomes? For instance, will a manager frame an investment decision in terms of chances of failure (negative frame) or success (positive frame)? Drawing on the Appraisal Tendency Framework, we propose that emotions associated with uncertainty (e.g., fear) increase speakers' preference for negative framing, whereas emotions associated with certainty (e.g., anger) increase speakers' preference for positive framing. In our preregistered experiment (N = 700; Prolific), participants responded to measures of dispositional worry and anger and completed two framing tasks in different contexts (recruitment and medical treatment). In these tasks, we told participants that a medical treatment/job applicant had an estimated 40% (vs. 20%) chance of failure and a 60% (vs. 80%) chance of success. Next, we asked them whether they would describe the estimated outcome to their manager in terms of chances of failure or chances of success. Supporting our preregistered predictions, dispositionally worried people were more likely to choose negative frames (e.g., medical treatment has a 40% chance of failure), whereas dispositionally angry people were more likely to choose positive frames (e.g., medical treatment has a 60% chance of success). These associations were quite weak, and only emerged in the condition that presented participants with more balanced chances (i.e., 40% chance failure/60% chance success), suggesting that fear and anger may only influence frame selection when an outcome is ambiguous.

Teigen, Karl Halvor; Juanchich, Marie & Løhre, Erik (2021)

A “likely” quantity is a “most likely” quantity, but not as likely as we like to think

[Academic lecture]. Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science: Annual Meeting.

Research on verbal probabilities and standard scales issued by IPCC, NATO and other authorities indicate that only probabilities above 60% should be described as “likely”. We find, in contrast, that when people apply this term to continuous quantities, like expected costs, it describes the most likely (modal) outcome or a central range, regardless of actual probabilities, which may be quite small. This was demonstrated in five studies in which lay participants were shown bell-shaped probability distributions from various domains and were asked to provide or to select “likely” outcome intervals. They also gave numeric estimates of probabilities of these intervals. Participants neglected numeric and graphically displayed information, and considered central, narrow but representative outcomes as “likely” (as opposed to much larger intervals in the tails) We conclude that the p > .6-interpretation of “likely” is only valid for binary outcomes but not for continuous quantities

Løhre, Erik & Kanten, Alf Børre (2020)

Communicated and perceived public consensus about climate change

[Academic lecture]. Conference on Environmental Psychology.

Løhre, Erik (2020)

Understanding intuitive interpretations of uncertain climate change predictions

[Academic lecture]. Big Insight Wednesday Lunch.

Johnsen, Svein Åge Kjøs; Løhre, Erik, Lappegard Hauge, Åshild, Brechan, Inge, Watten, Reidulf G., Rydstedt, Leif W, Rønning, Monica, Flagstad, Ingeborg Olsdatter, Konijnenberg, Carolien, Lugo, Ricardo Gregorio & Håkansson, UIrika (2019)

Psykologifagets klimaløsninger

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet), 56(10), s. 775- 776.

Teigen, Karl Halvor; Hohle, Sigrid Møyner & Løhre, Erik (2019)

Uncertain statements about climate change: What do they tell the public?

[Academic lecture]. CeCAR Lunch Seminar.

Teigen, Karl Halvor; Løhre, Erik & Hohle, Sigrid Møyner (2019)

Hva ligger i et anslag? Folks tolkninger av hva klimaforskerne sier

[Academic lecture]. CSN-konferanse 2019.

Løhre, Erik (2018)

Perceived disagreement about environmental events: Effects of framing and directional verbal terms

[Academic lecture]. Conference on Environmental Psychology.

Teigen, Karl Halvor; Hohle, Sigrid Møyner & Løhre, Erik (2015)

Trends in forecasts: When past predictions change present risks

[Academic lecture]. SPUDM25 - Subjective probability, utility, and decision making conference.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2015 University of Oslo PhD
2011 University of Oslo Master
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2020 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Associate professor