Employee Profile

Hannah Snyder

Associate Professor - Department of Marketing


Hannah Snyder is an associate professor at the department of marketing, BI - Norwegian School of Business. She obtained her PhD Quality Technology and Management in 2016 at Linköping University.

Hannah worked as a Lecturer in Marketing at UQ Business School, University of Queensland, Australia from 2016 to 2017 and joined BI in 2017. Her research interest relates service marketing with a special interest in service innovation, customer creativity, and customer co-creation. She has published in the Journal of Service Reseach, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Service Management and International Journal of Nursing Studies.

Area of Expertise


Witell, Lars & Snyder, Hannah (2024)

Dishonesty Through AI: Can Robots Engage in Lying Behavior?

Rousi, Rebekah; von Koskull, Catharina & Roto, Virpi (red.). Humane Autonomous Technology: Re-thinking Experience with and in Intelligent Systems

van Riel, Allard & Snyder, Hannah (2024)

Enhancing the impact of literature reviews: guidelines for making meaningful contributions

Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC Doi: 10.1108/SJME-05-2024-0125

Most papers and books on conducting literature reviews primarily emphasize achieving technical quality, ensuring reproducibility and validating results. Notwithstanding the need for technical excellence, there is also a need for relevance. The purpose of this study is to address that need and offer practical and constructive suggestions for enhancing the meaningful contribution of a literature review, thereby increasing its impact and relevance for publication. Design/methodology/approach In this conceptual paper, the authors explore strategies to enhance the relevance and contribution of a literature review. By clarifying the needs of diverse audiences and the principles of generating new insights, the authors provide a broad range of options without being prescriptive. Recognizing that every literature review is unique, this paper contrasts various approaches to offer flexible and adaptable guidance. Findings Literature reviews can be enjoyable to read and write, offering a wide range of substantial contributions that meet the expectations of readers and journal editors. This paper offers practical suggestions for prospective authors to make their reviews more relevant, invaluable and engaging, and summarizes these suggestions in a comprehensive checklist. Research limitations/implications The paper is not exhaustive but rather complements prevalent literature review methodologies. Originality/value Existing literature offers limited guidance on enhancing a review’s contribution to science, academic inquiry and society. This paper fills that gap by providing both academic considerations and practical recommendations, drawing on the author’s extensive experience in reviewing and conducting literature reviews.

Carlborg, Per; Snyder, Hannah & Witell, Lars (2023)

How sustainable is the sharing business model? Toward a conceptual framework

R&D Management Doi: 10.1111/radm.12648 - Full text in research archive

The sharing economy, which is considered a better way of utilizing existing resources, is associated with positive effects not only on the financial aspects of sustainability but also on its environmental and social dimensions. But is this true? Previous research has typically discussed either the positive or negative aspects of the sharing business model in specific contexts. This study adopts a dual perspective regarding the sustainability of sharing business models by critically analyzing the relationship between sharing business models and sustainability. Building on the resource-based view of the firm and practice theory, the current research develops a conceptual framework for evaluating the sustainability of sharing business models at the level of the individual, the firm, and society. Our proposed dual-process model suggests that two competing processes contribute to sustainability. The study's conceptual model and propositions advance theory and provide a research agenda for future empirical studies. This research also provides valuable guidance to managers and policymakers regarding the sustainability of sharing business models, which can inform the business model innovation process.

Snyder, Hannah (2023)

Designing the literature review for a strong contribution

Journal of Decision Systems (JDS) Doi: 10.1080/12460125.2023.2197704 - Full text in research archive

A literature review is an excellent research methodology. For example, a review can synthesise research findings and identify areas where more research is needed, thus providing the basis for a conceptual model, and informing policy and practice. However, despite their potential, the contribution and knowledge development of literature reviews are often weak. Time and again, literature reviews provide only a summary of descriptive statistics that does not facilitate knowledge development or inform policy and practice. This short paper examines common dilemmas and problems when it comes to the contribution of literature reviews. Different approaches are suggested and discussed, with the aim of helping researchers develop more meaningful contributions and thereby facilitate the advancement of research fields and knowledge development. The suggestions may be used by researchers, supporting them in moving from writing summary descriptions towards a more efficient approach to analysis and, therefore, stronger contributions.

Witell, Lars; Snyder, Hannah & Carlborg, Per (2023)

Against Service Innovation: Why Service Innovation Is Not Sustainable

Rehn, Alf & Örtenblad, Anders (red.). Debating Innovation: Perspectives and Paradoxes of an Idealized Concept

Service innovation is often viewed as the main source of growth in the modern economy. There is a general agreement that service innovation can provide a positive change for the environment, creating new types of jobs and making consumers’ lives easier. In this chapter, we challenge the positive view and provide arguments against service innovation. While service innovation might seem positive, there are negative effects on the financial development, the social development, and the environment. Service innovations do not replace existing services, but create complementary services and as a consequence most positive effects do not appear, which results in increased use of resources and negative effects on the environment. The lack of critical studies on service innovation has resulted in a flawed and somewhat overpromising picture of service innovations and what they can do.

Witell, Lars; Carlborg, Per & Snyder, Hannah (2022)

Beyond the Line of Visibility: Toward Sustainable Service Innovation

Edvardsson, Bo Åke & Tronvoll, Bård (red.). The Palgrave Handbook of Service Management

Kriz, Alexandra; Tresidder, Julia, Dowd, Anne-Maree, Weerawardena, Jay, Witell, Lars, Snyder, Hannah & de Pallant, Rohan (2022)

Business model–dynamic capabilities and open innovation initiatives in research-intensive organisations: A case of Australia's national science agency

Australian Journal of Public Administration Doi: 10.1111/1467-8500.12570 - Full text in research archive

Publicly funded national science agencies create value as innovation catalysts and through their scientific and research missions, they tackle wicked problems. Understanding how dynamic capabilities and business model innovation enable research-intensive organisations to seize the market in the mission is key to translating bold new science that has impact. We qualitatively explore how Australia's national science agency—the Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)—has pursued open innovation to support business model–dynamic capabilities in an evolving publicly funded landscape. We reflect on the value of open innovation initiatives that have allowed the CSIRO to ambidextrously pursue world-class science while achieving impact.

Snyder, Hannah; Witell, Lars, Gustafsson, Anders & McColl-Kennedy, Janet, R. (2022)

Consumer Lying Behavior in Service Encounters

Journal of Business Research Doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.11.075 - Full text in research archive

Whether they know it or not, firms interact with lying consumers on a daily basis. However, surprisingly little is known about consumer lying behavior and its role in service encounters. Based on two empirical studies of 2,976 consumer lies, the study sought to explore consumer lying behavior by developing and testing a comprehensive conceptual framework encompassing motives for lying, characteristics of the lie, and outcomes for consumers. Study 1 explores and details the components of the conceptual framework, and Study 2 further investigates and tests the relationships between the components of consumer lying behavior and the emotional, behavioral, and financial outcomes for consumers. The findings suggest new policies and how frontline employees might be trained and educated to address consumer lying behavior. The paper concludes by outlining an agenda for future research on lying behavior in service encounters.

Solnet, David; Subramony, Mahesh, Golubovskaya, Maria, Snyder, Hannah, Gray, Whitney, Liberman, Olga & Verma, Rohit (2020)

Employee wellness on the frontline: an interactional psychology perspective

Journal of Service Management (JOSM), 31(5), s. 939- 952. Doi: 10.1108/JOSM-12-2019-0377 - Full text in research archive

Purpose Employee wellness is vital to creating high-quality employee–customer interactions, yet frontline service workers (FLSWs) do not typically engage in, or benefit from, wellness initiatives. This paper aims to conceptually model the interactive influences of organizational and employee factors in influencing FLSW involvement in wellness programs and provides suggestions on how service organizations can enhance wellness behaviors and outcomes. Design/methodology/approach This paper builds upon classical and contemporary management theories to identify important gaps in knowledge about how employees and firms engage with wellness. Interactive psychology, emphasizing multidirectional interaction between person (employee) and situation (organization) wellness orientation, is introduced. Findings The paper develops a model that can be used to assess organizational wellness program effectiveness by emphasizing the interaction of employee and organizational wellness orientation. The model illustrates that wellness effectiveness relies equally on employee agency through an active wellness orientation matched with the organizational wellness orientation. Originality/value This paper questions the dominant approaches to assessing the effectiveness of workplace wellness initiatives, arguing for a more humanistic and agentic perspective rather than traditional organizationally centered fiscal measures.

Chen, Tom; Dodds, Sarah, Finsterwalder, Jörg, Witell, Lars, Cheung, Lilliemay, Falter, Mareike, Garry, Tony, Snyder, Hannah & McColl-Kennedy, Janet (2020)

Dynamics of wellbeing co-creation: a psychological ownership perspective

Journal of Service Management (JOSM) Doi: 10.1108/JOSM-09-2019-0297 - Full text in research archive

People are responsible for their wellbeing, yet whether they take ownership of their own or even others' wellbeing might vary from actor to actor. Such psychological ownership (PO) influences the dynamics of how wellbeing is co-created, particularly amongst actors, and ultimately determines actors' subjective wellbeing. The paper's research objective pertains to explicating the concept of the co-creation of wellbeing and conceptualizing the dynamics inherent to the co-creation of wellbeing with consideration of the influences of all involved actors from a PO perspective. To provide a new conceptualization and framework for the dynamics of wellbeing co-creation, this research synthesizes wellbeing, PO and value co-creation literature. Four healthcare cases serve to illustrate the effects of engaged actors' PO on the co-creation of wellbeing. The derived conceptual framework of dynamic co-creation of wellbeing suggests four main propositions: (1) the focal actor's wellbeing state is the intangible target of the focal actor's and other engaged actors' PO, transformed throughout the process of wellbeing co-creation, (2) PO over the focal actor's wellbeing state is subject to the three interrelated routes of exercising control, investing in the target, and intimately knowing the target, which determine the instigation of wellbeing co-creation, (3) the level of PO over the focal actor's wellbeing state can vary, influence and be influenced by the extent of wellbeing co-creation, (4) the co-creation of wellbeing, evoked by PO, is founded on resource integration, which influences the resources–challenges equilibrium of focal actor and of all other engaged actors, affecting individual subjective wellbeing. This article provides a novel conceptual framework that can shed new light on the co-creation of wellbeing in service research. Through the introduction of PO the transformation of lives and wellbeing can be better understood.

Gustafsson, Anders; Snyder, Hannah & Witell, Lars (2020)

Service Innovation: A New Conceptualization and Path Forward

Journal of Service Research, 23(2), s. 111- 115. Doi: 10.1177/1094670520908929 - Full text in research archive

Service innovations challenge existing offerings and business models, shape existing markets, and create new ones. Over the last decade, service research has shown increasing interest in the concept of innovation and should by now have reached maturity and created a strong theoretical basis. However, there is no coherent theoretical framework that captures all the facets of service innovation, and to move service innovation research forward, we must revisit the key assumptions of what an innovation is. To enable this, the present article addresses three fundamental questions about service innovation: (1) What is it and what is it not? (2) What do we know and what do we not know? and (3) What do we need to know to advance service research? By doing so, this article offers an updated and comprehensive definition of service innovation and provides a research agenda to suggest a path forward.

Snyder, Hannah (2019)

Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and guidelines

Journal of Business Research, 104, s. 333- 339. Doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.07.039 - Full text in research archive

Knowledge production within the field of business research is accelerating at a tremendous speed while at the same time remaining fragmented and interdisciplinary. This makes it hard to keep up with state-of-the-art and to be at the forefront of research, as well as to assess the collective evidence in a particular area of business research. This is why the literature review as a research method is more relevant than ever. Traditional literature reviews often lack thoroughness and rigor and are conducted ad hoc, rather than following a specific methodology. Therefore, questions can be raised about the quality and trustworthiness of these types of reviews. This paper discusses literature review as a methodology for conducting research and offers an overview of different types of reviews, as well as some guidelines to how to both conduct and evaluate a literature review paper. It also discusses common pitfalls and how to get literature reviews published.

Snyder, Hannah; Witell, Lars, Elg, Mattias & McColl-Kennedy, Janet, R. (2019)

The influence of place on health-care customer creativity

European Journal of Marketing Doi: 10.1108/EJM-10-2017-0723 - Full text in research archive

When using a service, customers often develop their own solutions by integrating resources to solve problems and co-create value. Drawing on innovation and creativity literature, this paper aims to investigate the influence of place (the service setting and the customer setting) on customer creativity in a health-care context.

Andreassen, Tor W.; Lervik-Olsen, Line, Snyder, Hannah, Allard, Van Riel, Sweeney, Jill & Yves, Van Vaerenbergh (2018)

Business model innovation and value-creation: the triadic way

Journal of Service Management (JOSM) Doi: 10.1108/JOSM-05-2018-0125 - Full text in research archive

Purpose Open service innovation is an emergent new service development practice, where knowledge on how to organize development work is scarce. The purpose of the present research is to identify and describe relevant archetypes of open service innovation. The study views an archetype as an organizing template that includes the competence of participants, organizing co-creation among participants and ties between participants. In particular, the study’s interest lies in how open service innovation archetypes are used for incremental and radical service innovation. Design/methodology/approach For the research, a nested case study was performed, in which an industrial firm with nine open service innovation groups was identified. Forty-five interviews were conducted with participants. For each case, first a within-case analysis was performed, and how to perform open service innovation in practice was described. Then, a cross-case analysis identifying similarities and differences between the open service innovation groups was performed. On the basis of the cross-case analysis, three archetypes for open service innovation were identified. Findings The nested case study identified three archetypes for open service innovation: internal group development, satellite team development and rocket team development. This study shows that different archetypes are used for incremental and radical service innovation and that a firm can have multiple open service innovation groups using different archetypes. Practical implications This study provides suggestions on how firms can organize for open service innovation. The identified archetypes can guide managers to set up, develop or be part of open service innovation groups. Originality/value This paper uses open service innovation as a mid-range theory to extend existing research on new service development in networks or service ecosystems. In particular, it shows how open service innovation can be organized to develop both incremental and radical service innovations.

Engström, Jon & Snyder, Hannah (2016)

The Antecedents, Forms and Consequences of Patient Involvement: A Narrative Review of the Literature

International Journal of Nursing Studies, 53, s. 351- 378. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2015.09.008

Snyder, Hannah & Lervik-Olsen, Line (2021)

Forretningsmodellen for fremtidens bedrifter

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. BI Business Review

Witell, Lars; Snyder, Hannah, Gustafsson, Anders & McColl-Kennedy, Janet (2019)

Is honesty always the best policy? The effects of lying to your customers

[Academic lecture]. QUIS (Quality in Service).

Andreassen, Tor W.; Lervik-Olsen, Line, Snyder, Hannah, Van Riel, Allard, Sweeney, Jill & van Vaerenbergh, Yves (2018)

Business Model Innovation and Value-creation: The Platform Way

[Academic lecture]. Frontiers in Service Conference 2018.

Andreassen, Tor W.; Lervik-Olsen, Line, Snyder, Hannah, Van Riel, Allard, Sweeney, Jill & van Vaerenbergh, Yves (2018)

Business Model Innovation and Value-creation: The Platform Way

[Academic lecture]. SERVSIG.

Snyder, Hannah; Witell, Lars, Gustafsson, Anders & McColl-Kennedy, Janet, R. (2018)

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Customer lies in the service encounter

[Academic lecture]. SERVSIG.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2016 Linköping University PhD
2014 Linköping University Lic.Phil
2011 Linköping University B.A.
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2020 - Present BI - Norwegian School of Businesses Associate Professor
2020 - 2022 Karlstad University Researcher
2016 - 2020 BI Norwegian Business School Assistant professor
2016 - 2017 University of Queensland Lecturer
2012 - 2016 Linköping university Phd Candidate
2012 - 2012 Karlstad university Research Assistant
2011 - 2012 Linköping university Research Assistant