
ONS 2022

Join BI Norwegian Business School at one of the world’s largest meeting places for the energy industry, Offshore Northern Seas (ONS)

Speakers from BI Norwegian Business School

She received her PhD from Hanken in 2001 and became professor of supply chain management and corporate geography in 2007. She has since held several leadership positions at Hanken, including Dean of education from 2010-2015. Spens has experience from several international organisations as member of the board at AACSB, a member of the EQUIS Committee and as a trustee of AMBA & BGA’s international board. Through these positions, she has gained insight into the operation of business schools and universities in a number of countries in Europe, Asia and South America.

He is former Dean, Director of Executive Education, and Chair Professor of International Business at Nottingham University Business School China, and Professor in International Business at Stockholm School of Economics. He obtained his PhD from Ivey School of Business, Western University in 1997. From September 1, 2022 he will be Provost, Research and Societal Impact at BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo. 

She is the co-founder and has been the co-director of Nordic Center for Internet and Society at BI. Beside academic work, Sut I is highly involved in the industry and she currently is an advisory board member of two tech start-ups.

Bjørnland is Founder and Director of the research centre CAMP (Centre for Applied Macroeconomics and commodity Prices) at the BI Norwegian Business School and she holds a position as a scientific advisor to the Research Department of Norges Bank. She is elected Fellow at the International Association for Applied Econometrics (IAAE), Ex-President and elected member of the Executive Committe for the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SNDE), and research associate of the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA) at the Australia National University. Her main research interest are in the areas of applied macroeconomics and time series.

From 2016 to 2018 he was also a visiting Associate Professor at University of California, Santa Barbara. His area of expertise is stock markets, macro economy, forex and portfolio management.

Moen holds a Ph. D in Economics from London School of Economics, where he also was employed as Lecturer. Moen’s area of research is mostly within economic theory, with applications mainly to labor economics and industrial organization. Moen is Research Fellow at the CEPR (Center for Economic Policy Research), and Fellow of the European Economic Association. He has published research papers in leading journals like the Journal of Political Economy, the Review of Economic Studies, and American Economic Review.

Bjønnes is primarily interested in Market Microstructure, Fixed Income, Treasury Auctions and International Finance. Bjønnes has been teaching courses in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Fixed Income, Market Microstructure, Public Economics, International Economics and Finance. In addition to BI Norwegian School of Management, he is affiliated with the Stockholm Institute for Financial Research.

His research interests cover the areas of asset pricing and market microstructure, with special emphasis on the implications of HFT and algorithmic trading. He also writes a regular column for the leading Norwegian financial newspaper.

Lunnan´s research interest are strategic alliances, particularly how they develop over time, and international management where she looked into headquarter activities. She has been Professor at BI since 2008.  

His research interests include interorganisational relationships and international management. Trust and identity are often core concepts. A recent project concerns interactions between multinational corporations and indigenous groups. 

Most of his teaching is executive and corporate education in business development theories and practices. He is presently also the co-director and head of research at the Center for Connected Care at Oslo University Hospital – working with the cluster of innovation ecosystem to research and develop innovative new healthcare services.

Karoline has a diverse academical background, with both a BSc and MSc in Finance from BI Norwegian Business School, exchanges to the University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of California, Berkeley, in addition to studying Marine Technology for several years at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.    

During ring the period 1999 through 2004, Norli held the David Y. Timbrell Junior Professorship (assistant professor) at Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Between 2003 and 2005 Norli was a visiting assistant professor at the Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College. Øyvind Norli has been at BI Norwegian Business School since 2005. His main research interests are empirical corporate finance and empirical asset pricing.