- Marina PAPANASTASSIOU (Professor of International Business, University of Leeds, UK and Visiting Professor, Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar)
- Emmanuella PLAKOYIANNAKI (Chaired Professor of International Business, University of Vienna, Austria)
The Faculty will be composed of prominent figures in the field of International Business. Their names will be announced later.
The main objective of the EIBA / EIASM Danny Van Den Bulcke Doctoral Symposium in International Business (DVDB-DS) is to provide an opportunity for young doctoral students in the field of International Business (IB) to discuss their research proposals with IB faculty as well as with their fellow students. A secondary purpose is to acquaint them with an international network of professionals linked to the IB field and EIBA.
Students at an early stage of their dissertation process, i.e., who are currently in the initial phase of defining their research design, selection of theories, methods and data, are encouraged to submit their research proposals (by the deadline date communicated for the annual EIBA doctoral events) to be considered for acceptance to the EIBA / EIASM Danny Van Den Bulcke Doctoral Symposium in International Business.
This Symposium is a half-day event with a joint opening plenary on a topical issue and small roundtable discussions. At each roundtable, 2-3 doctoral students are paired with the same number of faculty members to discuss their research proposals in a friendly and informal setting. The roundtable discussions last about 1½-2 hours each. At the roundtable, the students highlight the main aspects of their work and raise any burning questions that they would like to discuss with the participants of the roundtable, who have read all the research proposals beforehand. Thereafter, the faculty provide constructive and developmental feedback on the proposals. Please note that in this Symposium we do not rank the proposals or select a winner for an award.
Students participating in the Doctoral Symposium (at no extra cost) are expected to also attend the main conference – and are thus required to register and pay for the respective EIBA Annual Conference. (Note that PhD students are entitled to a lower registration fee.) The plenary session and the roundtable discussions of the DVDB Doctoral Symposium are open to interested EIBA members.
ATTENTION: Applications not accepted for the John H. Dunning Doctoral Tutorial are considered for the Danny Van Den Bulcke Doctoral Symposium. However, the final decision of acceptance rests solely with the respective co-chairs.
The 11th Danny Van Den Bulcke Doctoral Symposium for doctoral students in International Business is being organized in conjunction with the 48th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA) to be held on December 8-10, 2022.
This doctoral symposium takes place on Thursday, December 8, 2022 – Day 1 of the EIBA 2022 Conference. It is organized by Marina Papanastassiou from University of Leeds, UK and Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar and Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki from University of Vienna, Austria.
Doctoral candidates who are at an early stage of their thesis process and are currently defining their research theoretical framing, research methods, and data sources are encouraged to apply to this symposium. Those at a more advanced stages are welcome to apply to the EIBA 2022 John H. Dunning Doctoral Tutorial.
As the number of students accepted for this Symposium is limited, those interested in applying for this event are urged to submit by:
September 1, 2022
a three-page abstract of your doctoral project (Times Roman 12 font, single line spacing, 3-page limit including any figures or tables, excluding references)
your CV in which you are requested to include:
- the number of months (years) you have been working on your doctoral thesis
- the name of your main thesis advisor
- the university institution where your research is registered, and the department where you work.
If your thesis is made up of several papers, we would encourage you to focus on introducing and discussing the overall topic of your thesis rather than focusing on a specific paper. Applicants are adviced to structure their research proposals as follows (the percentage indicates the attention that you should devote to each point in the proposal):
- What is your central research question or research problem and why is it important to address? Include also a brief statement of the topic, which should be positioned in the field of IB [30%];
- What do we (not) know about this topic in the light of previous research? Are you developing hypotheses from existing research or research questions/issues for your study? [30%];
- What kind of data do you need to collect to address the research question(s)? How do you intend to collect and analyse these data? What methodological choices do you intend to make? [20%];
- What is the expected contribution to scholarship in IB? What novel insights can be gained from your study? In which academic conversation do you intend to participate with your findings? [10%]
- Are there any specific issues or concerns that you are currently struggling with and would like the IB faculty members to address? [10%].
NOTE: All accepted students participating in this event must also be fully registered for the EIBA 2022 Conference. The submission deadline is September 1, 2022.