How to use data science in real life? Applications to business, finance and marketing
- Starts:17:00, 29 March 2022
- Ends:18:30, 29 March 2022
- Location:Room B2-040, campus Oslo & online
Everybody talks about digitalization, data, and analytics. But, how can you create business value from data?
At BI we argue that you need an interdisciplinary approach, combining expertise in data science and analytics with broad business understanding.
In this seminar we will learn how they do it at Orkla and get an academic perspective from one of our experts at the Data Science Department at BI.
- Time
- Title
- Speakers
Auke Hunneman (Associate Dean MSc Business Analytics), Leif Anders Thorsrud (Associate Dean MSc Data Science for Business), Paolo Giordani (Associate Dean MSc Quantitative Finance)
Problem solving with an analytical mindset
Stig Sjursen (Senior Vice President Big Data & Analytics at Orkla)
Machine learning and application to business
Rogelio Andrade (Department of Data Science and Analytics, BI Norwegian Business School)