
What is special about communication and PR in the Nordics?

11 February 2021

Are you curious what characterize strategic communication and public relations in the Nordic countries?

The European Communication Monitor (ECM) is the largest survey in communication management and public relations worldwide. It surveys professionals working in communication departments and agencies to identify future trends and challenges for the profession.

More than 20,000 participants from over 40 countries have shared their perspectives since 2005. This year, for the first time, the ECM takes a special look at the North

New collaboration between the Nordic countries

This year there will be a separate study about communications in the Nordic countries. The Nordic alliance for Communication and Management (#NORA) and the national communication associations in Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Sweden are collaborating on a joint research project.

- We are very pleased with this unique collaboration. The Nordic countries share many similarities, like high levels of trust in institutions, a large and influential public sector and advanced welfare states as well as highly digitalized societies, which calls for a specific mapping of the communication field in the Nordic region, says Alexander Buhmann, Associate Professor of Corporate Communication at BI Norwegian Business School which serves as the hosts of the #NORA research network.

This collaboration can also contribute to closer ties between Nordic academics in the field and practitioners, serving as a catalyst for mutual conversation and exchange across the region.

Both Nordic and European comparison

The National associations, Kommunikasjonsforeningen (Norway), ProCom (Finland), K1 (Denmark) and Sveriges Kommunikatörer (Sweden) see the value of comparing the Nordic countries.

To generate a comparable Nordic data set, the associations agreed to use the annual ECM survey that is run within the framework of the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA). This also makes it possible to identify characteristics of excellent communication departments and explore commonalities and differences vis-a-vis the rest of Europe

Valuable for the field of communication

This year the survey addresses digitalisation and digital infrastructures in communications, video conferencing and virtual events, as well as future roles of communication practitioners and strategic issues in the profession.

- For years, the ECM has provided food for thought for communication leaders, but also for those who want to boost their career and need to know what comes next. We also know that many agencies and researchers use our insights to understand the communication needs of organisations, says Ansgar Zerfass, Professor of Strategic Communication at Leipzig University and Lead Researcher of the ECM.

Country-to-country comparisons and benchmarks of different types of organisations (private and joint-stock companies, non-profit, governmental, agencies, etc.) will make the results relevant for everybody in the field.

The poll is now open – if your work in the field of communication and PR, help explore the Nordic perspective and join the survey here www.commmunicationmonitor.net until March 6.

You can also see all news here .