
The first pan-Nordic study of the communication field

8 September 2021

Get the current state and overview of the PR and communications field in the Nordic countries.

- This report is the first ever pan-Nordic study of the communication field. It serves as an important benchmark of the state of the communication profession across the Nordics and provides a basis on which to discuss the potential and challenges in developing the field across the region, says Alexander Buhmann, Associate Professor of Corporate Communication at BI Norwegian Business School which serves as the hosts of the #NORA research network.

Key insights from the report

The study examines a wide range of important themes in the field of communication, such as trends in the digitalization of communications, the changing professionals’ roles, the various uses of videoconferencing, and the salary structures among professionals in the Nordic region. Some of the report´s major findings are connected to digitalization and business strategy:

  • The report empathizes that trust is expected to dominate the agenda for communication professionals for the next years. Nearly 40% of the 457 respondents stated that maintaining and building trust will be a crucial issue.
  • One of the key findings the report provides is how communication professionals in the Nordic spend less time on management and are less confident in their leadership competences.
  • Across all Nordic countries, communication professionals stated that linking business strategy and communication will be a key challenge in the coming years.
  • The report shows that European countries, compared to the Nordics, consider digitalizing the communication processes and building a digital infrastructure as more important.

Nordic distinctions compared to Europe

The study was conducted in collaboration with the European Communication Monitor (ECM), which is the largest survey in the field of communication across Europe and has been conducted since 2007 with more than 30.000 participating professionals in total. The international data gives a unique opportunity to measure and compare Europe and the Nordics.

Adjunct Professor at BI’s Department of Communication and Culture and lead researcher for ECM, Ansgar Zerfass, says he experiences that the rest of Europe see the Nordics as role models, particularly regarding internal communication.

- Nordic communication professionals have a strong strategic mindset. The study shows they focus on linking communications to business strategy and on advising or coaching executives or co-workers in communicative issues. It’s not enough to entertain stakeholders and audiences. It’s all about supporting organizational goals, your bosses, and your peers in the organization, Zerfass says.

Find the full report here (pdf)

The Nordic Alliance for Communication & Management (#NORA) in collaboration with the European Communication Monitor (ECM), and the communication associations of Sweden (Sveriges Kommunikatører), Denmark (K1), Finland (ProCom) and Norway (Kommunikasjonsforeningen) launch the Nordic Communications Report 2021 8th September.

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