"Science is a general scientific journal covering all scientific disciplines. With a 2-year impact factor of 47.7 in 2021, Science is among the top 10 % of today’s scientific journals. We are of course very happy that we managed to get the paper accepted in the journal", says Hans-Martin Straume.
He co-authored a study about Chinas import and re-export of seafood. The study shows that almost 75 % of Chinese import never makes it to the domestic market but are instead processed and re-exported to other markets. As trade in seafood is strongly related to environmental, economic, and social sustainability such behavior obstructs international efforts to preserve global fisheries and interfere with coastal communities’ competitiveness in global seafood markets.
"Re-export is not necessarily a bad thing. But re-export makes it more difficult to trace seafood sustainability and makes it easier for seafood products to be mislabeled. The same product can be harvested in different countries with different management systems for fisheries and different labor conditions for fishermen and thus comingle in re-export data", Straume continues.
Science is one of the most prestigious journals in the world. Fewer than 7 percent of the submitted articles are accepted for publication and the journal rarely publishes studies from economics or social sciences. Science is also one of the journals with most citations and ranks number 24 on the list of journals with highest impact factor – a measure of the citation-frequency of each article in a journal.
“Congratulations to Hans-Martin Straume! This is very great news for both BI and Hans-Martin. Publishing in Science is an excellent achievement and will be an inspiration for future work not only for Hans-Martin and his colleagues, but for the whole department. We are very pleased to have Hans-Martin as a colleague”, says Tommy Sveen, Head of Department of Economics.