Professor of Economics at BI, Andreas Moxnes.
“International economics and global value chains have always fascinated me – how value chains affect the everyday lives of people and businesses. Especially now that the world feels less secure than it has in a long time, it is good to see that these topics receive a lot of attention both in research and outside academia,” says Moxnes.
The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded him and his team NOK 26 million for the project ‘The Division of Labor in Production Networks’ or DIVISION in short. The project will last five years and contribute to further strengthening BI’s leading research community on international economics.
Prestigious funding for groundbreaking research
“An ERC Advanced Grant is among the most prestigious sources of funding available for European researchers. Andreas and his team will research a topic of fundamental importance for how we organize the economy in the future, and for how Norway and Europe can ensure global competitiveness. I look forward to seeing his findings and the impact his research will have,” says Provost for Research, Learning, and Impact at BI Norwegian Business School Harald Øverby.
Moxnes started his position as Professor at BI on August 1, and the research project on September 1. As part of the project, he will hire three post docs. Partners on the project include UiO, Dartmouth College, Université libre de Bruxelles, LMU Munich, University College London, Copenhagen University, and Purdue University.
“I hope and believe many people also outside academia will find this research interesting and useful. Not least governments in Europe where there is considerable interest in how the EU can make value chains more robust, a topic exacerbated by the conflict between the US and China, the pandemic, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine,” says Moxnes.
ERC Advanced Grants are aimed at established researchers at the top of their fields who are exceptional leaders in terms of the originality and significance of their research contributions. This is the first ERC Advanced Grant at BI.
“I look forward to starting work and to building my own research community at BI. It is a great honour to receive funding from the ERC, which will give me the time to create groundbreaking research,” says Moxnes.