Department of Accounting and Operations Management
Previous seminars
Previous seminars from the Department of Accounting and Operations Management
Previous seminars
- 14 February: Omri Even-Tov, UC Berkeley
- 7 March: Amir Amel-Zadeh, University of Oxford
- 21 March: Ann Vanstraelen, Maastricht University
- 28 March: Robert Göx, University of Zurich
- 11 April: Lucas Mahieux, Tilburg University
- 12 April: Wuyang Zhao, UT Austin
- 18 April: Maria Correia, London School of Economics
- 12 September: Lakshmanan Shivakumar, London Business School
- 19 September: Zoltàn Novotny-Farkas, Vienna University of Business and Economics
- 10 October: Joachim Gassen, Humboldt University
- 25 January: Per Olsson, ESMT Berlin
- 1 March: Jeroen Suijs, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- 3 May: Willem Buijink, Open University of the Netherlands
- 31 May: Aytekin Ertan, London Business School
- 21 June: Francesca Franco, Bocconi University
- 9 September: Gavin Cassar, INSEAD
- 30 September: Luminita Enache, University of Calgary
- 11 October: Alfred Wagenhofer, University of Graz
- 25 October: Christoph Sextroh, Tilburg University
- 29 November: Juha-Pekka Kallunki, University of Oulu
- 26 January: David Veenman, Amsterdam Business School
- 2 February: Annita Florou, Bocconi University
- 9 February: Laurence van Lent, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
- 6 April: Miguel Duro, IESE Business SChool
- 13 April: Henrik Nilsson, Stockholm School of Economics
- 11 May: Georg Schneider, University of Graz
- 25 May: Stefano Cascino, London School of Economics
- 7 September: Jannis Bischof, University of Mannheim
- 14 September: Francesca Franco, London Business School
- 28 September: Jeroen Suijs, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- 19 October: Ann Vanstraelen, Maastricht University
- 9 November: Sharon Katz, INSEAD
- 16 November: Juha-Pekka Kallunki, University of Oulu
- 15 September: Igor Goncharov, Lancaster University
- 6 October: Bjørn Jørgensen, Copenhagen Business School
- 10 November: Hui Chen, University of Zurich
- 24 November: Gaizka Ormazábal, IESE Business School
- 8 December: Florian Eugster, Stockholm School of Economics
- 15 December: Marleen Willekens, KU Leuven and BI
- 27 February: David Windisch, University of Graz, Management Performance Measures and Earnings Management: Evidence from Segment Earnings
- 8 March: Karim Tamssaouet, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, Modeling and solving multiobjective complex job-shop scheduling problems
- 24 April: Tzu-Ting Chiu, NHH
- 30 April: Michael Kisser, NHH
- 23 May: Maximilian Müller, WHU, When you talk, I remain silent: Spillover effects of peers’ mandatory disclosures on firms’ voluntary disclosures
- 17 September: Javier Gomez Biscarri, Pompeu Fabra University, The (earnings) management of depositor discipline
- 24 September: Pepa Kraft, HEC Paris, Market power and credit rating standards: global evidence
- 8 October: Stephan Hollander, Tilburg University, Sophisticated individual investors
- 15 October: Beatriz Garcia Osma, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, The usefulness of financial accounting information: evidence from the field
- 19 November: Ulf Brüggemann, Humboldt University, Asset reclassifications and bank recapitalization during the financial crisis
- 26-27 April: Scandinavian Accounting Research Conference, BI Norwegian Business School
- 8 May: Stefan Anchev, Umeå
- 5 June: Estelle Altazin
- 15-16 June: MSAR-Manufacturing & Service Accounting Research Conference, BI Norwegian Business School, "Manufacturing and Service Accounting Research"
- 15 August: Ole-Kristian Hope, BI Norwegian Business School, "Research Potpourri"
- 28 August: Jake Thornock, Marriott School of Management, "Is there information Content in Information Acquisition?"
- 7-8 September: Loop Supply Chain Workshop 2018
- 29 October: Kyrre Kjellevold, NHH, "Company valuation specialists`interactions with management and auditors: a field study"
- 28 February: Anders Thorstenson, Aarhus University,
Service levels for inventory performance in supply chain management
- 2 March: Persson seminar, BI Norwegian Business School, Digitalisation in Supply Chain Management
- 8 March: Joakim Kembro, Omni-channels and digitalisation
- 14 March: Transocean seminar, BI Norwegian Business School, Hvilke lærdommer kan vi trekke av Transocean saken?
- 14 March: João Oloveira, University of Porto, Control and Creativity in the Audiovisual sector
- 21 March: Even-Tov Omri, What Drives Acquisitions Offers: Information or Synergy?- Evidence from Failed Acquisition Offers
- 27-28 April: Scandinavian Accounting Research Conference, BI Norwegian Business School, Scandinavian Accounting Research Conference
- 5 May: Gopall Krishan, Bentley University, Does managerial ability mitigate litigation related to financial reporting?
- 6 October: Guochang Zhang, "On the efficiency of capital markets in processing financial-reporting information:New evidence from earnings releases"
- 21 November: Christopher Bleibtreu, "The Effects of Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation on Big 4 and Non-Big 4 Audit Firms’ Market Shares and Client Importance"
- 29 November: Dan Zhang, "CEO’s Personal Portfolio and Corporate Policies"
- 28 February: Anders Thorstenson, Aarhus University,