
The Fourth BI Conference on Corporate Governance (BICCG 2023)

Friday 09 June
  • Starts:08:00, 9 June 2023
  • Ends:17:00, 9 June 2023
  • Location:BI Norwegian Business School, Campus Oslo, room A2 Red 10

BI Norwegian Business School is hosting a one-day research conference on corporate governance in Oslo, Norway. The organizer is the Centre for Corporate Governance Research at the Department of Finance

The conference is sponsored by the Finance Market Fund.

Leading scholars will present a recent corporate governance paper that has not been widely presented. There will be comments from discussants and from the audience on each paper. Participation is by invitation only.

Paper Presenters

Alon Brav (Duke)

Nadya Malenko (Michigan)

Margarita Tsoutsoura (Washington U.)

Daniel Kim (BI)

Ran Duchin (Boston College)

Doron Levit (U. of Washington)

Luke Taylor (Wharton)

Alex Edmans (LBS)

Paper Discussants

Miriam Schwartz-Ziv (Hebrew U.)

Kostas Zachariadis (Queen Mary)

Hannes Wagner (Bocconi)

Aneesh Raghunandan (LSE)

Nickolay Gantchev (Warwick)

Johann Reindl (Oslo Met)

Adam Winegar (BI)

Julian Kölbel (St. Gallen)

Organizing Committee


Here you can find directions to conference room A2 Red 10 

Click here to download conference program in PDF format.