Executive Master of Management
To gain admission to this experience-based Master degree, you need both academic background and work experience.
This page describes the general admission requirements for the Executive Master of Management.
General admission requirements for Executive Master of Management
- A completed Bachelor degree, equivalent of 180 officially recognised credits from a university or university college.
- You are at least 25 years of age
- You have 4 years full-time work experience. If you have a prior Master degree, the requirement is 3 years full-time work experience.
When calculating work experience, several criteria apply: The work experience must have been continuous for at least 6 months. It must be at least a 50 % position. The work experience must be gained at 18 plus years. From these criteria, the work experience must in total consist of at least 4 years full-time. If, for example, you have worked in a 50 % position, 8 years of work experience is required.
- Diplomas
Certified copies of transcripts and degrees (diplomas). Academic records must be accompanied by a certified English translation if the originals are not in English or a Scandinavian language. - Work experience
The work experience must be documented by a certificate, including the following information:
• Full company name
• Position
• Period of work experience
• Employment percentage
• Date of the issued work certificate
• Full name and position of the signee
(Specializations require a certificate dated with current year.) - CV
- Diplomas
Applicants for the Master of Management programmes who don’t meet the requirements of a full Bachelor degree as stipulated in the Regulations relating to Admissions, Studies and Examinations, can be admitted based on prior learning and work experience. Applicants must have at least 90 officially recognised credits.
The assessment of prior learning and work experience is based on the following criteria:
- Credits above 90
- Work experience after the age of 25
- The level of the currently held position
- Experience from organisation work
- Own publications
- Particularly responsible management experience
In order to obtain this degree you must have completed a total of 90 credits. You can apply to have external education of up to 30 credits recognised as part of the Executive Master of Management degree. This education must be at Master level, must have a management perspective and be based on experience or in connection with further and continuing education connected to your work.
Students can get recognition for external education up to 30 ECTS credits as part of the Executive Master of Management degree.
In order to get recognised external education incorporated into the degree, it is a condition that the education is accredited, at master level and that it has a management perspective. In addition, the education must be experience based or been undertaken in connection to his or her work.
The last programme in the degree must be completed at BI, and it is not possible to complete external courses at other institutions concurrently while enrolled in the final master programme at BI.
No pre-assessments are made and requests for transferring credits from other institutions must be made as part of an application to a Master of Management programme at BI.
Last updated 17 February 2025