The course provides students with an introduction to key business law topics and an overview of the legal framework in business. Students are given an overview of the most important legal regulations for a business to operate in a market, as well as an introduction to how the rules are to be interpreted.
This includes learning about ownership forms, including how businesses are started, operated, developed and changed in line with needs, legal frameworks and expectations in society. Furthermore, the course provides a general knowledge of the legal framework governing how companies can conduct their business in an ethical, responsible and sustainable manner. In this connection, the students will learn about companies 'contract law regulations, and what requirements are made to the various decision-making bodies in a company and the division of responsibilities between the bodies, etc.
The course is therefore central to understanding the legal framework that enables companies to conduct their business in an ethical, responsible and sustainable manner, as well as how companies can collaborate in different contexts and across disciplines.
The course emphasizes that the students should be able to use legal competence on practical issues that they can face in working life. Companies with good knowledge of business law will therefore have a great competitive advantage.
The course is adapted to all studies at BI Norwegian Business School.