Excerpt from course description

Company and Finance Law


Company and Finance Law is a Programme course for the Bachelor's degree in business law and is adapted to the learning objectives set for this degree. The course is divided into five main subjects:

  1. Money claim right
  2. Company law
  3. Right of lien
  4. Bankruptcy, individual prosecution and debt negotiations
  5. Stock exchange and securities law

The course provides good knowledge within these five subjects. The legal sources for all subjects, including international sources, such as EU legal regulation, are reviewed. So do the considerations that reflect the regulation within the various subjects, including sustainable development. The course provides insight into the digital development in society in two ways. Firstly, it provides an understanding of the digital development that is reflected in the legislation. Secondly, insight is provided into the use of digital, legal aids that are useful for legal users.

Course content

Money claim right

  • Regulation of the Money Claims Court.
  • Different types of monetary claims.
  • The rules on the establishment of monetary claims, transfer of monetary claims, liquidation of monetary claims and default of monetary claims.
  • Time of payment (due and release time).
  • Fulfillment of monetary obligations (place of payment, means of payment, method of fulfillment, partial fulfillment, etc.).
  • Settlement correction.
  • Offsetting.
  • Obsolescence.
  • Financial legal effects of payment default; late payment interest and compensation.

Company law

  • Legal sources of company law
  • Forms of ownership and their legal regulation - especially limited liability companies (AS and ASA), limited liability companies (ANS and DA).
  • Owners' rights and duties in joint-stock companies and limited liability companies.
  • Foundation of joint-stock companies and responsible companies.
  • Corporate bodies in joint-stock companies and responsible companies.
  • Contract conclusion on behalf of joint stock companies and limited liability companies.
  • The capital rules in joint-stock companies and limited liability companies.
  • Transfer of shareholding in joint stock companies and  responsible companies.
  • The main features of the rules on conversions and reorganizations in limited liability companies.

Right of lien

  • Which objects can be subject to liens (including the extent of liens)
  • Creation of various liens (contractual lien, attachment lien and legal lien).
  • Legal protection rules for the establishment of mortgages on immovable property, movable property, receivables, etc.
  • Priority of liens.
  • Legal effects at the securing stage.
  • Legal effects at the realization stage (forced sale).
  • Mortgagor's position during debt negotiation and bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy, individual prosecution and debt negotiations

  • Single prosecution.
  • Debt negotiations, private and public.
  • The bankruptcy process.
  • The conditions for opening bankruptcy.
  • The right of seizure in relation to the debtor and third parties.
  • Overturning, objective and subjective, as well as the legal effects of overturning.
  • Contractual obligations, including the right to stop.
  • Bankruptcy creditors.

Stock exchange and securities law

  • Acquisitions, including rules on obligation to offer and obligation to flag.
  • Public issues, including prospectus rules.
  • Insider trading.
  • Market manipulation.
  • Obligation to provide information and report.


    This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.