Excerpt from course description

Energy Governance, Law, Policy & Regulations


This course is part of the Executive Master of Management in Energy in cooperation with BI Norwegian Business School and IFP School.

Course content

  • Energy in political economy: a private, public and strategic good.
  • Public governance in the energy sector: actors and policy tools (law, regulation, finance, ownership)
  • Energy and international political economy: economic rent, supply and demand, interest group politics
  • Energy policy and security of supply
  • Oil markets: Global market, fungible product; a range of national and company strategies
  • Security of supply risks in oil markets: Price risks (oil shocks, demand and supply) and public policy tools
  • Global governance: IEA and the international regime, the WTO regime and international law
  • Gas markets: Regional markets, bilateral deals, geopolitics, pipeline diplomacy, the long reach of EU law
  • Security of Supply: Supply risk (political and security risks) and public policy tools
  • Regional governance in Europe: the EU and regional regimes, EU energy and competition law
  • Energy and security: security threats, resource conflicts, public and private policy tools


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.