

Firms may choose from different accounting languages and dialects in Norway. The main alternatives are GRS (God RegnskapsSkikk = good accounting practice in Norway) and IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). Within each of these alternatives there are dialects. All listed companies must apply IFRS, other companies may choose freely between the main alternatives. Some companies may also choose between the dialects. This means that firms may calculate revenue, expenses, assets, liabilities and equity using five different set of rules.

The diversity in how to calculate accounting numbers is a challenge to both preparers and users. Preparers must know which set of rules to apply and how to apply the accounting standards and valuation methods that belong to the chosen set of rules. Users must know how to interpret figures prepared under different set of rules in order to make informed decisions.

The aim of this course is to provide users and prepares with the knowledge that enables them to navigate correctly in an environment with different ways to measure revenue, expenses, assets, liabilities and equity. The course will put particular emphasis on GRS since 99 % of all Norwegian firms use GRS. However, since the largest firms (including listed firms) use IFRS, the course will also cover key differences between GRS and IFRS.

Course content

  • The regulation of the obligation to prepare financial statements in Norway
  • How to measure net income? Revenue-based and balance sheet-based accounting models, GRS vs. IFRS and accounting models based on fair value and historical cost.
  • How should we understand and interpret the fundamental accounting principles in GRS?
  • General GRS-rules for recognition and measurement of assets and debt (balance) 
  • Special issues with GRS, e.g. amortized cost, leasing, pensions, factoring, deferred taxes, employee options and revenue recognition (further information will be given during the course).
  • Recognition and measurement according to IFRS, e.g. accounting for investment property, biological assets (e.g. farmed fish and forest) and property, plant and equipment (further information will be given at during the course).
  • Group accounting
  • Accounting and earnings quality.


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.