Course content
Module 1) The Green Growth Challenge
- Introduction to Green Growth: Current trends and future scenarios
- How much green growth can be found in Norway, EU, globally?
- Green jobs and green growth in key sectors: construction, transportation, energy, industry, public sector
- Definitions and boundaries of Green Economy (green vs environmental vs ecological economics)
- Greenwashing: When is 'green' just a label or a fraud?
- Circular economy and radical resource productivity: Is it possible to disconnect economic growth from resource consumption growth?
- Leadership and motivation in the green economy
- Ideology and motivation: Are sustainability and profitability compatible?
Active learning in groups:
- Use of strategic analysis tools to determine identify opportunities for green growth in their organizations.
- Explore their own motivation and values in relation to leading green initiatives
Module 2) Green Innovation
- The innovation process in the context of green growth and green investments: What is the impact?
- Funding green innovations: Trends and pitfalls
- Characteristics of good pitches to investors/CFOs that create trust and engagement
- How to address systemic and organizational resistance to change and innovation?
- Intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship: Challenges from seed stage to growth phase, including psychological factors
Active learning in groups:
- Develop smart green ideas for innovations and new business models
- Tools to transition from incremental innovation to systemic innovation and design thinking
Module 3) The Big Picture and the Long-Term Future
- How to think about the future: What are scenarios, visions, forecasts, and predictions?
- Climate change: How significant will they be this century? What can be done? How much will be done?
- Earth System Science: Understanding and seeing the connections between the economy and the Earth's ecosystems?
- The need for and effect of visions and roadmaps to 2050.
- To what extent will human creativity and innovation be sufficient to meet the challenges of systemic inequality and multiple crises?
- What is the future of the economics field itself? How to think like a 21st-century economist?
Active learning in groups:
- Play simulator for world development in the next 10-50 years
- Develop alternative scenarios for society and oneself
Module 4) Green Accounting in the 21st Century
- Overview of sustainability reporting requirements (ESG, CSRD) and integrated reporting
- Tools for assessing social and environmental impacts (such as LCA, capro)
- What is broad value creation – and the challenges of measuring different types of values
- Multiple capitals approach: social and natural capital, and valuation of ecosystem services.
- Measurement of social capital: happiness, trust, and quality of life accounting
- Corporate social responsibility (CSR): What is it – how widespread is it? And is it profitable?
Active learning in groups:
- Conduct an energy accounting for their own company
- Calculation of greenhouse gas emissions per value creation unit (Capro)
Module 5) Green Leadership: How to Lead in the Green Transition?
- What is green and sustainable leadership? Theory and numerous examples
- Status of sustainability leadership in Norway; how far have we come?
- The importance of inner motivation, vision, and purpose
- How to implement a green/sustainable strategy? Barriers and tools.
- Gender balance and the potential of women in sustainability leadership
- Strategic sustainability transformation: What will be the next management models in strategy and sustainability?
- About exams, examples, and solution proposals for answering exam questions
Active learning in groups:
- Me as a sustainability leader: My communication style when interacting with others
- Double materiality analysis and its use
- How to engage and mobilize stakeholders for a common purpose