Course content
1: Introduction.
Modern Macroeconomics is the journey from Aggregate to Aggregate Demand and Supply. Stylized facts: micro and macro
2: The Representative-Agent New Keynesian Model (RANK)--Why Go Beyond?
A Keynesian-Cross representation.
Lack of Keynesian Cross. Lack of General-Equilibrium. Fiscal Multipliers.
Forward Guidance Puzzle.
Liquidity Traps and neo-Fisherian effects. Literature review,
3: A Benchmark Two-Agent (TANK) Model: both Keynesian & General-Equilibrium
​Deriving AggregateD Demand, Aggregate Euler equation, Reviving the Keynesian Cross and General Equilibrium.Amplification and Dampening. Monetary policy, decomposition Partial versus General-Equilibrium (direct vs indirect effects, Kaplan Moll Violante). Keynesian cross representation.
Fiscal multipliers: government spending. Fiscal transfers. "Inverted Keynesian logic" and the paradox of thrift.
Forward guidance: still a puzzle.
Literature review.
4: Introducing Risk and Precautionary Saving: a Tractable, Two-State, Two-Asset Heterogeneous-Agent New Keynesian (THANK) Model - without Liquidity
From TANK towards HANK: idiosyncratic risk and precautionary saving. The Aggregate Euler equation: discounting or compounding?
Determinacy, Taylor rule and price level targeting. Cyclicality of inequality and risk.
Other tractable models of cyclical risk, e.g. unemployment (Ravn Sterk, Challe, Werning, Acharya Dogra)
A Catch-22: curing the forward guidance puzzle vs amplification. Euler-equation wedges and measurement.
Application: Liquidity traps. Deep recessions without deflation. Inequality and risk as triggers of liquidity traps. Forward guidance and its power in a liquidity trap.
Literature review
5: Introducing Liquidity in THANK
Liquid bonds, a simplified Bewley-Aiyagari-Hugget economy, Deriving the demand for bonds/liquidity/savings.
iMPCs and intertemporal propagation (Auclert Rognlie Straub): role for fiscal multipliers, determinacy. Determining the price level by fixing the nominal quantity of bonds (Hagedorn).
Literature review
6: Extensions and Evidence: Capital Investment, Sticky Wages, Labor Supply, Estimation
The Role of Physical Capital {Investment): Illiquid Wealth Inequality; Resuscitating the Samuelson Multiplier-Accelerator. The multiplier of the multiplier - an aggregate-demand complementarity.
Sticky wages: dampening or amplification with heterogeneity? The cyclicality of profits Labor Supply: Income effects and Complementarity with Nonseparable utility.
Empirical Evidence: Micro data-based; Macro Estimation of HANK models.
Literature review
7: Optimal Monetary & Fiscal Policy in T(tractable)HANK
The Ramsey Problem in a Two-Agent Economy
Second-order approximation of aggregate welfare: the inequality motive
Optimal monetary policy with the inequality motive: a linear-quadratic problem. The irrelevance of risk: a benchmark.
Optimal policy in a Liquidity trap: Optimal forward guidance duration. Implications of a liquidity motive: optimal policy with long-run inequality.
Quantitative easing.
Stabilization vs Redistribution: Optimal monetary and fiscal policy. Separation results
Literature review
8: "Aggregate Supply"; Firm Entry/Exit, Product Creation/destruction, Variety
Inequality and the COVID-19 pandemic. Supply shocks with and without heterogeneity. Sectoral reallocations, substitution and complementarity. Firm entry and exit.
Endogenous entry, product variety and business cycles; (optimal) monetary policy. Fiscal policy
Entry-exit as an amplification mechanism.