Excerpt from course description

Leadership in Action - Final Bachelor Program in Leadership


Leadership in Action is a final Bachelor in Leadership programme, a mandatory 30 credits programme leading to the award of the title Bachelor of Management.

The programme is both process-based and knowledge-based and adapted to suit the learning situations of adult students and those already in employment. BI’s Leadership in Action therefore offers a combination of:

-collaborative learning and stimulating meetings with participants in employment with experiences from many fields
- a choice of options and tailormaking of some of the course literature, as well as individual learning assignments
- a project paper which will mesh with the interests of the individual and his/her business
- a foundation in an appropriate knowledge framework and personal guidance for further learning
- use of action learning and active reflection in order to stimulate a deeper level of awareness with respect to various aspects of leadership and organisation.

Course content

Leadership in Action, a final Bachelor of Leadership Programme, consists of the following five units:
1. Actionbased leadership.
2 .Competence-based leadership in relations.
3 .Personal learning and leadership.
4. Leadership in interplay and cocreation.
5. Leadership in Action - the road ahead.

The order of units 2-4 may be altered to suit local needs. Any such alterations will be made known to participants well in advance. The programme will also be flexibly implemented and relevant issues may be raised across modules in order to facilitate integrated learning, as well as to meet needs arising during the course of the programme.

The literature encompasses approx. 2250 pages in total, including both mandatory literature and literature selected by individual participants according to the topics they have selected and in consultation with course instructors.


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.