

The course will give an introduction to project management. The students will be given an understanding of what a project is and a foundation for planning, organizing and controlling projects. The course will further give an understanding of the problems of project work and will by the help of theory and practical examples show how to manage a project to achieve the goals. This cours emphasizes a leadership and management approach  to prosject execution. It refelects on both decisiongate approaches and agile execution methodlogies. Key aspects of projects execution, such as establishing projects, planning projects, organizing, governance, uncertainty management, stakeholder management, benefit realization as well as the impact of digitalization are discussed.  

Course content

Session 1 - Project concept and overview of project work
Session 2 - Project planning and uncertainty
Session 3 - Project organizing
Session 4 - Project execution and control
Session 5 - Project management
For a more detailed description, see "Free text" below.

The project paper will be a practical assignment, where the students by the help of theory and methodological tools shall solve a practical problem associated with project work in an organization (private company, governmental agency, organization etc.). The paper should not exceed 30 pages of text.


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.