Practical tools for you as leader
This is a very practical course depicting daily management of groups or small organizations. You are offered tools that you might try out immediately. As a leader you have to understand your followers and their situation, then you may choose a leadership style appropriate to the situation at hand, bearing in mind the development of your followers. The leader`s tool box is presented in detail. Much emphasis is given to creating a good atmosphere and good relations.
Course content
Perspectives on efficient leadership
- What does the role imply?
- Leadership on five levels
- Me as a leader: Challenges and possibilities
- Paradoxes and dilemmas facing leaders
- Concern for followers and concern for tasks
- Transactional leadership and tranformational leadership
Situational leaderhip
- Various leadership styles: Telling; Coaching; Supporting; Delegating
- Choosing leadership style according to followers` level of competency and commitment
- Developing followers` competency
- Evaluation and practical use of situational leadership. "Different strokes for different folks"
Leader`s tool kit
- Emotional intelligence
- Development of signature strengths
- Goals. Delegation. Empowerment
- Self leadership. Monitoring your own thoughts. Mental maps
- "Strokes and punishment". Feedback. 360 feedback
- Dialogue with followers. Coaching.
- Time management
- Flow
- Handling the power aspect. Conflict management
- Success criteria and pitfalls
Personal development plan
- How might I develop as a leader?