Firms - private as well as public, are faced with major strategic challenges. Increased competition across borders, internal and external dynamics, and a strong demad for cost efficiency. All this require an increased strategic comprehension.
Strategic management is about managing change. It is a profound understanding of the external and internal forces that affect the competitive position. It is about making right choices at the right time, and it is also about managing serious change processes, processes which often is both complex and challenging to accomplish.
This program is developed to give the participants, who have varied theoretical backgrounds and work experience, a lasting competence within the various aspects of strategic management. Theoretical knowledge without practical anchoring results in low impact on the participants' organizations. The pedagogic approach is thus based on a thorough introduction to modern theories in the various topics that are addressed. Thereafter, the material is addressed in group discussions. Finally, the certain aspects are discussed in class to clarify important points.
Upon completion of the program, the participants are expected to contribute substantially to a creative and practical strategy process in their firms. This requires, however, engagement and effort from the participants both before and during class sessions