

Tactical marketing trains the student to make market decisions with the purpose to develop an organization that grows and survive in a demanding market. The students will be trained in evaluating market conditions, set up a competitive strategy and make tactical marketing decisions.

Tactical marketing differs from other courses in that it is built around a practical and realistic simulation game.

The students are put into position to run a marketing department in a large international company. The company experiences tough competition, demanding customers, and aggressive competitors. Through the simulation game the students are guided through different phases of work tasks. This consist of making decisions regarding product attributes and -variation, price strategy, availability, budgets, in addition to financial planning. Through the game the students develop their ability to analyze situations, understand consequences of decisions before they makes the decision, plus develop an understanding of how the marketing decisions affect the whole organisation, trade-offs and potential outcomes.

Course content

  • Analyze market research data;
  • Design brands to appeal to different market segments;
  • Devise advertising campaigns, sales force incentives, and price option;
  • Allocate scarce funds to R&D, advertising, and distribution;
  • Select and prioritize R&D projects, leading to new product features;
  • Plan and roll out a marketing campaign;
  • Manage cash;
  • Compete head-to-head with other business teams;
  • Adjust strategy and tactics in response to financial performance, competitive tactics, and customer needs.


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.