Registration RVK Basic Course – General Offshore
Registration 25-26 March 2021.
BI Norwegian Business School is the data controller for personal data collected and processed at BI, cf. GDPR Article 4, no. 7.
BI processes personal data about you to safeguard your rights as a student/course participant, to fulfil BI's tasks and duties under the Act relating to universities and university colleges as well as to administer, in the best possible way, the conditions under which you study at BI.
As a participant on an RVK course, BI stores your following personal data: name, email address, employer, course title and date. BI will not share personal information about you to third parties unless a valid legal basis exists. BI may disclose information of your attendance to your employer if a valid legal basis exists.
If you wish to assert your rights, please contact personvernombud@bi.noIt is the responsibility of the Data Protection Officer to protect the privacy interests of partners, students and employees at BI.