Measuring Customer Experiences
The focus in this course is various ways of measuring and capturing customer experiences and to make sense of these measures.
Customer experience is comprised of the cognitive, emotional, physical, sensorial, and social elements that mark the customer’s direct or indirect interaction with a set of market actors. This course teaches you to have a sense of new ways of measuring experiences and gives you an overview of various tools.
- Measuring and understanding cognition
- Emotions what it is and how is it measured
- Sensory measurements
- Neuroscience tools
Price per course is NOK 6450, -. Payment is made upon registration.
- Start date: 07.02.2022 (Date Insendi opens)
- Dates online lectures: 09.02, 16.02, 23.02
- Time online lectures: 09.00 – 12.00 (CET)
Registration is closed
The series of Short Online Modules consists of three separate modules where you can chose one, two or three modules. Each module runs over a period of three weeks with weekly 3 hours online live classes at Zoom and online learning material and activities at the Insendi learning platform.
If you have signed up for all three modules within the same course series, and qualify for exam for this type of course at BI, you may formalize the course series with an exam, counting for 7.5 ECTS.
The admission requirement for a 7,5 ECTS course at bachelor level is passed three years upper secondary education (In Norway this provides general study competence). Alternatively, admission may be based on age and prior learning and work experience. The deadline if you want to apply for the exam is February 25th for the Spring semester or September 25th for the Autumn semester. There is an exam fee, currently NOK 2950,-