News - EU Horizon 2020

Ps2Share Kick Off Consortium Meeting – January 2017

The Consortium held their first meeting to kick off the EU H2020 project in St. Gallen, Switzerland.

Ps2Share Kick Off Consortium Meeting – January 2017

Held over two days, the partners were able to get to know each other better in person and share their vision of the project.

Christian Fieseler (BI Norwegian Business School) provided a warm welcome to the consortium participants, outlining the project vision, work package division, and conceptual underpinning of the project. Christian also provided an overview of the varying theoretical conceptualisations of the sharing economy.

Christian Hoffmann (University of Leipzig) followed with a presentation on participation, emphasising the importance of considering participants as well as non-participants in the sharing economy.

Michael Etter (Copenhagen Business School), based on the discussions held earlier, provided a working definition of the sharing economy and Giulia Ranzini (VU University, Amsterdam) gave a presentation on privacy, discussing theoretical conceptions of privacy and providing a framework for understanding the risks and opportunities that accompany privacy.

Gemma Newlands (BI Norwegian Business School) followed with a presentation on power, outlining the multiple intersections of power with the sharing economy while Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva (University of St. Gallen) gave an overview of sharing economy business models, covering the concept of platform life-cycles.

The consortium is excited to progress forward with the project.