News - EU Horizon 2020

Third Meeting of the Ps2Share Consortium – August 2017

The Consortium held their third meeting of the EU H2020 Project in Oslo, Norway.

Third Meeting of the Ps2Share Consortium – August 2017

Over a period of three days, the consortium members held fruitful discussions regarding the ongoing research activities and planned ahead for the upcoming deliverables.

Hosted throughout by BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo, Norway, the main meeting was preceded by a pre-meeting with Jovoto for the purposes of data sharing, idea generation, and platform-situated discussions.

On the following day, the main meeting began with representatives of every consortium member, including a couple of welcome new additions to the team. Christian Fieseler (BI) opened the meeting with a warm welcome, where he outlined the ongoing project vision and its progression to date. In particular, Christian Fieseler was glad to discuss the data collection efforts which had been underway over the summer, resulting in a pan-European survey of more than 6000 participants.

The meeting transitioned to an engaging overview, by Giulia Ranzini (VU Amsterdam) of the Focus Groups which had been carried out across Europe. Each Work Package was pleased to share their ongoing analysis. Afterwards, Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva (University of St. Gallen) provided insight into the large scale platform analysis which is being carried out in St. Gallen.

The first day of the project was concluded with an in-depth discussion of the upcoming reports. Guidelines and expectations were shared.

On the last day of the meeting, due consideration was given to the survey, its analysis, and its presentation, with presentations being given by Christian Hoffmann (University of Leipzig), Ivar Vermeulen (VU Amsterdam), and Christoph Lutz (BI). As a final element, Christian Fieseler rounded up the meeting with a planning session on how to disseminate the findings.

Overall, the consortium had an enjoyable and productive set of meetings and is excited to progress forward with the project. Everyone is looking forward to meeting up again in Amsterdam in November for the final project meeting.