Centres, groups and other initiatives


The project INSKILLS (Inclusion of highly skilled spouses in the labour market) investigates the facilitators and impediments to the labour market inclusion of highly skilled migrant spouses (HSS) through a comparative perspective of Italy and Norway


The first objective (O1) is to compare the policies and programmes adopted in Italy and Norway to foster inclusion of HSS in the labour market and explore their fit with the needs of HSS in the respective countries (Work Package (WP) 1).

The second objective (O2) is to explore how diverse social and economic stakeholders such as employment agencies, employers, and employee rights-related actors help or hinder the labour market inclusion of HSS (WP2).

The third objective (O3) is to analyse the career adaptation strategies used by HSS to facilitate their inclusion in the labour market (WP3).

Funded by the EUThe research from the INSKILLS project has received funding from the European Commission under Grant Agreement N°101149964.