Centres, groups and other initiatives
The Nordic Alliance for Communication & Management
Leveraging communication as a strategic driver of sustainable organizational performance and success in a changing world.
Upcoming events
There are not any upcoming events scheduled.
Past events
- Wednesday 12 February: How to increase the internal standing of communication departments
- Thursday 30 January: Between deliberation and misinformation
- Friday 29 November: “Nordic perspectives on strategic communication”
- Friday 29 November: Breakfast Seminar: Crisis Readiness in Geopolitical Uncertainty
- Thursday 28 November: Special Issue Editor’s Dinner
- Friday 20 September: Discussion Forum: Synergies for Communication in a Complex Digital Future
- Monday 16 September: Informasjonswebinar - Strategisk Kommunikasjon
- Wednesday 11 September: Research paper development workshop
- Monday 19 August: #NORA Breakfast Seminar: Positioning Business Leaders as Political Actors
- Tuesday 23 April: Breakfast Seminar: That's not a campaign, that is greenwashing!
- Monday 15 April: Page, #NORA and EACD Regional Seminar and Networking Event
- Monday 15 April: Strategic Communication Management in Times of Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Wednesday 20 March: CSR in the Digital Age: Leveraging Social Media for Corporate Social Responsibility
- Thursday 22 - Sunday 25 February: February Academic Writing Retreat for Early- and Mid-Career Researches in Corporate Communication
- Wednesday 7 February: Employee-Generated Content (EGC)
- Thursday 18 January: Smartphone/Dumphone/Nophone
- Thursday 18 January: The Formation of Legitimacy and Reputation in the Digital Society
- Friday 10 November: Insights from the European Communication Monitor 2023
- Wednesday 27 September: Webinar - Why Should Organisations Invest in Strategic Communication? (in Norwegian)
- Friday 22 September: Responsible and Meaningful Research: Challenging the Academic PoP-culture
- Wednesday 20 September: Research Paper Development Workshop
- Tuesday 22 August: Transforming Leadership and Communication through Principles of Nature
- Wednesday 7 June: Roundtable Seminar on Public Affairs and Lobbying
- Thursday 11 May - Sunday 14 May: Academic Writing Retreat for Early- and Mid-Career Researchers
- Thursday 4 May: Webinar on New Executive Master of Management Program on “Strategic Communication” (in Norwegian)
- Wednesday 26 April: #NORA Leadership Seminar 2023
- Wednesday 29 March: Corporate Social Responsibility Communication in the Digital Age
- Wednesday 22 March: Strategic Communication and Reputation Management in Times of Automation and AI
- Friday 17 March: Ethics Awareness and Meaning in Turbulent Times
- Friday 10 March: Showing the Impact of Science Communication
- Thursday 9 March: Exploring Trends and Developments in Communication Measurement
- Thursday 23 February: February - Academic Writing Retreat for Early- and Mid-Career Researches
- Wednesday 1 February: How (Strategic) Communication Constitutes Organization(s)
- Wednesday 25 January: Digital Reputation: How company should deal with diversity issues
- Wednesday 9 November: Finding common ground in polarising times
- Wednesday 26 October: The role of communication management in the light of the current societal challenges
- Wednesday 5 October: Managing the unmanageable
- Wednesday 28 September: Nordic Communications Report 2022: Where are we heading?
- Friday 23 September: Research Paper Development Workshop
- Thursday 30 June: European Communication Monitor 2022 Launch
- Thursday 12 - Sunday 15 May: Academic writing retreat 2022
- Thursday 5 May: #NORA Research seminar: Nordic trends in communication research.
- Thursday 5 May: Visit from the Director of Nordforsk
- Wednesday 4 May: #NORA Partner workshop: Digitalization and virtualization of communications - how and how much
- Friday 10 December: Positioning of communication departments
- Wednesday 24 November: Steps towards measurement maturity and the future of evaluating communications
- Friday 12 November: What can we learn from the 2021 #NORA report?
- Wednesday 27 October: Communication opportunities in the post-pandemic business environment
- Friday 8 October: EUPRERA Paper Development Workshop (PDW)
- Wednesday 8 September: The Nordic Communications Report 2021
- Tuesday 13 April: Trust and public debate in the age of Social Media and fake news
- Tuesday 2 February: 2021 Trends in Science Communication – and the role of the Covid-19 pandemic
- Thursday 19 November: Crisis Management, Crisis Communication, COVID-19 and the Nordic countries
- Monday 2 November: Public Sector Communication and new forms of Influence.
- Friday 18 September: Trends in Communication Ethics and Communicators' Blindness to Ethical Issues
- Wednesday 2 September: Has Covid Helped Develop a Digital Internal Culture, or is it a Myth?
- Friday 21 August: Sustainable Development and CSR as Long-Term Strategic Issues for Communications
- Friday 26 June: 2020 Trends in the Communication Profesion from a Nordic Perspective
- Thursday 16 April: Webinar: Changing Culture and Climate: The Role of Commtech and AI
Past webinars
26. october 2022
The role of communication management in the light of the current societal challenges
24 November
Steps towards measurement maturity and the future of evaluating communications
27 October 2021
Communication opportunities in the post-pandemic business environment
8 September 2021
The Nordic Communications Report 2021
13 April 2021
Trust and public debate in the age of Social Media and fake news
2 February 2021
2021 Trends in Science Communication – and the role of the Covid-19 pandemic
19 November 2020
Crisis Management, Crisis Communication, COVID-19 and the Nordic countries
2 November 2020
Public Sector Communication and new forms of Influence.
18 September 2020
Trends in Communication Ethics and Communicators' Blindness to Ethical Issues
2 September 2020
Has Covid Helped Develop a Digital Internal Culture, or is it a Myth?
21 August 2020
Sustainable Development and CSR as Long-Term Strategic Issues for Communications
26 June 2020