- Starts:09:00, 10 December 2021
- Ends:10:00, 10 December 2021
- Location:Zoom
Businesses and other organizations devote substantial resources to communications in today’s digitalized and mediatized world. This begs the question of how these assets and activities should be managed to ensure that communications contributes to organizational goals and value creation. This session explores strategic and operational aspects of positioning and value creation as well as the need to steer both corporate communications (communication management) and the organizational infrastructure for these activities (communication performance management). The session is conducted for the employees at the communication department at BI Norwegian Business School.
About the speaker
Dr. Ansgar Zerfass is Professor and Chair of Strategic Communication at the Institute of Communication and Media Studies at Leipzig University, Germany. He is also Professor of Communication and Leadership at BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway, and Plank Scholar at the Plank Center for Leadership and Public Relations at the University of Alabama, USA. He is editor of the "International Journal of Strategic Communication", Routledge, USA; Board Member of the International Communication Association (ICA), Washington D.C.; and lead researcher for the Global Communication Monitor series with (bi-) annual surveys in more than 80 countries. According to Google Scholar, Ansgar Zerfass is the most frequently cited researcher worldwide in the fields of Strategic Communication, Corporate Communication and Communication Management and among the top three in the field of Public Relations (h-Index, July 2020). He has published 40 books and over 400 articles and study reports.