Hanna Brogren has been the CEO and General Secretary for the Swedish Communication Association since 2017. Among her previous engagements are the roles as Director of Communication for the Swedish Government Offices and for The City of Stockholm.
- Starts:11:00, 8 September 2021
- Ends:12:00, 8 September 2021
- Location:Zoom
- Contact:nora@bi.no (#NORA)
The Nordic Alliance for Communication & Management (#NORA) together with the communication associations of Sweden (Sveriges Kommunikatörer), Denmark (K1), Finland (ProCom) and Norway (Kommunikasjonsforeningen) welcome you to the launch of THE NORDIC COMMUNICATIONS REPORT 2021. In collaboration with the European Communication Monitor series, the report provides the first ever pan-Nordic study of the communication field, delving into important themes, such as trends in the digitalisation of communications, the changing professional roles of communication practitioners, or the emerging notion of “CommTech”. All results are compared across the Nordic countries and they are benchmarked against the rest of Europe
The webinar is moderated by Dennis Larsen (member of the board at the European Association of Communication Directors; managing partner at ReputationInc).
Hanna Brogren
Alexander Buhmann
Alexander Buhmann, Ph.D., is associate professor at BI Norwegian Business School, and director of the Nordic Alliance for Communication & Management (#NORA). His research is situated at the intersection of communication, digital technology, and management.
Katrine Ninn-Grønne
Katrine Ninn-Grønne is first chair and co-founder of the Danish communications association, K1 Kommunikationsforening. She is also co-founder and CEO of the concept- and communications agency Kongsted+Grønne that has the overall mission of creating jobs for new graduates through freelance communication work.
Therese Manus
Therese Manus is Managing Director of the Norwegian Communication Association. Among her pervious engagements are Head of Section at the National Library of Norway and Editor at the local media house Budstikka. She is the Head of the jury for The Norwegian News Agency’s Language Award and holds several board positions.
Elina Melgin
Elina Melgin, PhD, Adjunct professor (University of Turku) and CEO Elina Melgin worked for the University of Art and Design and Nokia Corporate Communications before becoming managing director of ProCom, the Finnish Association of Communications Professionals in 2005. She is a founding member of VEN, Communication Ethics Council (Finland), productive writer, spokesperson and blogger. Among other roles she is a free-lance painter