The Research Administration Office is BI's central administration for research support. The office has central administrative responsibility for externally funded research, and the BI PhD program. The office also coordinates BI's institutional academic memberships, acts as secretary to the Research Ethics Committee and the Ethical Review Board, provides bibliometric services and assistance with research evaluations, and provides support with issues regarding research data management.

PhD enquiries:
Funding enquiries:
Handelshøyskolen BI
Nydalsveien 37
0484 Oslo
Switchboard: 46 41 00 00
Externally funded research
The team for externally funded research works proactively to increase external funding of research, and provides administrative support to researchers, departments and research centres in all phases of the application process.
PhD administration
The PhD administration is responsible for the daily operation and coordination of the PhD programme, contributes to quality assurance of the PhD programme, and provides support for the PhD Dean, Associate Deans, PhD candidates, and Departments.
Research Ethics
The Research Administration Office acts as secretary to both the Research Ethics Committee and the Ethics Review Board.
Bibliometrics / Research Evaluation
The Research Administration Office provides bibliometric services to the departments, research centres and researchers, and assists with internal or external research evaluations.
Research Data
We ensure appropriate and lawful research data management at BI, including establishing procedures for employees and students, and offering support for researchers, supervisors and students. We are the contact point for NSD and
Maintaining Institutional Memberships
BI is a member of several educational and research consortia, and the Research Administration Office is responsible for the administration of our membership.