BI Research Centre

Centre for Corporate Governance Research

The CCGR aims to produce high-quality research on how ownership and governance of firms impact value-creation and the welfare of firms’ stakeholders.

  • All Items
  • Research Articles
  • Journal Publications
  • MSc Theses
  • PhD Dissertations
  • Research Reports
  • Working Papers











  • Rasmus Bendvold and Kjetil Tøressen

    Excess Cash and Investments

    MSc thesis, 2016. Supervised by Janis Berzins.

  • Sebastian Christoffersen and Simen Lerfaldet

    Determinants of Turnout to Stockholder Meetings

    MSc thesis, September 2016. Supervised by Øyvind Bøhren.

  • Eirik Langseth Røtnes and Eirik Eide Haugen

    Capital Structures in Norwegian Private Owned Firms

    MSc thesis, September 2016. Supervised by Ignacio Garcia de Olalla Lopez.

  • Martine B. Akselsen and Astrid K. Hansen

    Firm Performance During the Global Financial Crisis: A comparison of Norwegian Private Family and Non-family Firms

    MSc thesis, July 2016. Supervised by Siv Staubo.

  • Sorush Ashgarnia and Kim-Anders Eikrem

    Reduseres revisjonshonoraret når ansettelsesforholdet mellom revisor og klient forlenges?

  • Shahjahan Ul Hassan and Mads André Valderhaug

    Family Ownership and Cash Holdings - Empirical Evidence from Norway

    MSc thesis, September 2016. Supervised by: Charlotte Ostergaard.

  • Asmund Rygh

    Corporate Governance and International Business: Essays on Multinational Enterprises, Ownership, Finance and Institutions

    PhD dissertation, April 2016. Supervised by: Gabriel Benito.

  • Håvard Huse

    Determinants of Working Capital

    MSc thesis, 2016. Supervised by Hakim Lyngstadås.

  • Tonje Sveinunggard and Ingjerd Sørensen

    The Effect of CEO Gender on Corporate Leverage Decisions

    MSc thesis, 2016. Supervised by Charlotte Oestergaard.

  • Mahdieh Vosough Gohari and Kateryna Rylova

    Female CEOs: Why So Few?

    MSc thesis, September 2016. Supervised by Bogdan Stacescu.

  • Helena Thømt and Ida Johansen

    Endring i aksjelovens utbytteregler og dens konsekvens for utbyttepolitikken

    MSc thesis, August 2016. Supervised by Ignacio Garcia de Olalla Lopez.

  • Alessandra Luzzi and Amir Sasson

    Individual Entrepreneurial Exit and Earnings in Subsequent Paid Employment

    Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, vol 40, issue 2, 2016, pp. 401–420.

  • Ilan Cooper and Richard Priestley

    The Expected Returns and Valuations of Private and Public Firms

    Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 120, issue 1, 2016, pp. 41-57.

  • Anton Diachenko

    Ownership Type, Performance, and Context - Study of Institutional and Industrial Owners

    PhD dissertation, 2016. Supervised by: Torger Reve.

  • Nils Grønstad and Thomas Sandbæk

    Er det sammenheng mellom corporate governance-faktorer og earnings management?

    MSc thesis, September 2016. Supervised by Tonny Stenheim.

  • Herman Kornerud Christensen and Vetle Knutsen-Øy

    Temporary Employment Legislation and Capital Structure

    MSc thesis, September 2016. Supervised by Hamid Boustanifar.

  • Junaid Arshad and Vincent Hoang

    Labor Protection Laws and Corporate Cash Holdings

    MSc thesis, September 2016. Supervised by Hamid Boustanifar.

  • Charlotte Ostergaard, Ibolya Schindele and Bent Vale

    Social Capital and the Viability of Stakeholder-Oriented Firms: Evidence from Savings Banks

    Review of Finance, vol. 20, issue 5, 2016, pp. 1673–1718.

  • Hege Eriksen Haug and Unni Wennevold Reinartsen

    Revisjonskvalitet og rådgivning - En empirisk studie av det norske, private markedet

    MSc thesis, August 2016. Supervised by Tobias Svanström.

  • Daniel Brändli

    Family Firms Across Industries

    MSc thesis, 2016. Supervised by Bogdan Stacescu.

  • Vegard Solberg and Knut Erlend Malmin

    Is Managerial Ownership a Determinant of Cash Holdings? : An Empirical Investigation of Corporations Listed at the Oslo Stock Exchange

    MSc thesis, August 2016. Supervised by Charlotte Oestergaard.

  • Sturla Lyngnes Fjesm

    Initial Public Offering Allocations, Price Support, and Secondary Investors

    Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, vol. 51, issue 5, 2016 , pp. 1663-1688.

  • Øyvind Bøhren and Siv Staubo

    Mandatory Gender Balance and Board Independence

    European Financial Management, vol. 22, issue 1, 2016, pp. 3-30.

  • Pål Klavenes and Eirik Kalkvik Stenberg

    Earnings Management During CEO Turnovers in Norway

    MSc thesis, 2016. Supervised by Jeff Downing.

  • Kenneth Austad and Kristoffer H. Henriksen

    Insider Trading and Earnings Management in Norway

    MSc thesis, September 2016. Supervised by Tonny Stenheim.

  • Gabriel R. G. Benito, Asmund Rygh and Randi Lunnan

    The Benefits of Internationalization for State-Owned Enterprises

    CCGR Working Paper 1/2016.

  • Valeriia Shvediuk

    Mandatory Gender Board Composition Requirements in Norway and Company Performance

    MSc thesis, 2016. Supervised by Yona Rubinstein (London School of Economics).

  • Anna Christine Rasmussen and Morten Vollckmar

    The Effect on Firm Performance When a Dilution of Family Control Occurs in Family Firms

    MSc thesis, August 2016. Supervised by Ignacio Garcia de Olalla Lopez.