Center for Creative Industries


Transformative Technologies, Creativity, and Value Creation in the Cultural Sector

Project members, composition and relevant expertise for the project

Prof. Anne-Britt Gran
BI,  Dept. of Communication & Culture (PI)
Theatre history and performing arts studies, cultural policy, digital culture consumption.
WP: 1-3

Ass. Prof. Samson Y. Esayas
BI, Dept. of Law & Governance
Law, copyright and technology
WP: 1

Ass. Prof. Peter Booth
BI, Dept. of Communication & Culture (WP2 leader)
Cultural economics, artistic labour, museum studies, digital culture, statistics, and he is a professional artist.
WP: 2, 3

Ass. Prof. Irina Eidsvold-Tøien
BI, Dept. of Law & Governance
Law, copyright, performing arts and she is a professional actor.
WP: 2, 3

Ass. Prof. Terje Gaustad
Høyskolen Kristiania, Norway
Strategy, organizational and institutional economics, case methods, movie industry.
WP: 1

Prof. Trine Bille
CBS, Dept. of Management, Politics & Philosophy (WP3 leader), Denmark
Cultural economics, cultural policy, economic valuation, creative industries, surveys and quantitative data.
WP: 2, 3

Ass. Prof. Stina Teilmann-Lock
CBS, Dept. of Management, Politics & Philosophy (WP1 leader), Denmark
Visual art and design business, copyright, cultural-legal studies, digital transformations.
WP: 1

Ass. Prof. Ana Alacovska
CBS, Dept. of Management, Politics & Philosophy
Creative Industries, sociology of culture, creative labour studies, history of new media.
WP: 1

Prof. Vincent C. Müller
FAU, Centre for Philosophy and AI Research
Technology and ethics of AI.
WP: 1, 3

Postdoctoral fellow
CBS, Dept. of Management, Politics & Philosophy, Denmark
Skills/background sought: Creativity studies, qualitative data analysis
WP: 1

PhD candidate
BI,  Dept. of Communication & Culture
Skills/background sought: cultural consumption, data management
WP: 2