The Nordic Centre for Internet and Society's Christoph Lutz is a special issue editor for the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) on the interplay of artificial intelligence (AI) and work. The goal of the special issue is to advance our knowledge of how AI is applied in work settings, with the premise that AI and work are mutually shaping. AI affects work processes across industries and the scholarly conversation in recent years has strongly focused on automation and job replacement. However, less attention has been on how the world of work sneaks into AI, for example in the form of data management activities, human labor to train AI systems, and the maintenance and repair of AI products. The special issue invites theoretical and empirical contributions on the intersection of AI and work that investigate the transformation of work practices in different settings, consider the multiple scales (e.g., individual, team, organizational, regional, national) at which AI and work interact, and/or study the ethical implications of AI at work. The full call for papers, including information about the submission process and requirements, is available here. In addition to Christoph, the special issue editors are Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Carsten Østerlund (Syracuse University), Matthew Willis (University of Michigan), and Karen Boyd (University of Maryland).
The special issue is accompanied by an online workshop on 11 December, where prospective authors get feedback on their ideas from the special issue editors. Participation in the workshop is not necessary for a submission to the special issue and more information about the workhop, including the deadline and submission requirements, is available here.