BI's Ethics Review Board (BI-ERB) conducts ethical reviews of research project proposals. Such proposals include, but are not limited to, grant proposals, proposals for new research projects or programs, new proposed studies within existing projects, or extensions and amendments to earlier approved research. The BI-ERB does not conduct ethical review of research projects or studies that have already started at the time of review.
The main goal of the BI-ERB is to ensure that all research conducted by BI employees is performed according to established ethical standards. Relevant ethical standards for research likely to be conducted by BI faculty are the Act on Ethics and Integrity in Research (Forskningsetikkloven), Guidelines for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law and Theology issued by The National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (NESH), and generally accepted research ethical principles for the research area of the proposal under review.
After finishing an ethical review of a specific proposal, the BI-ERB will conclude whether or not the proposal satisfies established ethical standards.
The BI-ERB consists of 6 members: A Chairperson, one person with administrative duties from the Research Administration Office, and 4 members from the research faculty employed at BI. All BI-ERB members are appointed by the Provost for Research, Learning & Impact. At the request of the Provost, Departments at BI can propose faculty to serve on the BI-ERB. The BI-ERB faculty composition should have a majority of researchers active in research areas that are likely to generate proposals requiring ethical review.
An ethical review is performed as follows: The Principal Investigator for a proposal completes the BI-ERB Researcher Submission Form and submits this to the BI-ERB secretary. The subsequent BI-ERB review follows the BI-ERB Review Procedure.