Written by: Louis Grenez
The BI International Case Competition is a case cracking competition organized by BI and BISO, BI Student Organisation. For the participants of the BIICC. This 7-days event consist of visits, cultural happenings and of course the case solving. Including, the final presentation on Thursday. For BI students, workshops and company presentations are organized. Additionally they can take part in the BIICC Open where they might be invited to present their solution on Thursday. The same time as the international teams.
I am a part of the prestigious Lagrange Consulting team at BI. Composed originally of Marcus Axten Jørnsen, Marco Radman, John Frederic Weissenborn and I. But most recently Ask Rask and Tobias Helmersen joined the team. I joined the case club in 2016 and have taken part in multiple case competitions. Such as the NUS Case Competition in Singapore in 2018 and the BI International Case Competition in 2019. Why do you want to join BIICC?
Why did i join BIICC?
In order to join the BIICC and represent BI in this competition. I first had to be a part of the Case club. My first experience with the Case Club in BI was the BIICC Open in 2016. My team was invited to join the finals. This competition is for all BI students from every campus. Not to be confused with BIICC which is exclusive for the international teams coming from all over the world. Then I attended multiple training sessions. It resulted in my team being selected to join an international case competition in Singapore. Finally, due to my team’s hard work and dedication. We were invited to represent BI during the BI International Case Competition 2019.
What have i learned through my experience?
The BIICC was an intense week full of hard work, amazing people and great happenings. With 11 teams coming from almost every continent, and prestigious schools. You get to meet undergraduate students with the same shared passion for case solving. Also, that are eager to learn more about the country and the school.
Having to solve a case provided by prestigious partners such as Equinor, Orkla or Gjensidige. Allowed me to understand what is expected from real consultants. Also, the various abilities that are required to provide a realistic, achievable and well formulated solutions. Finally, presenting your strategy in front of a jury composed of professionals. This is an excellent exercise to improve your oral skills and Q&A abilities.
After joining the BIICC, I realized how demanding the job of a consultant was . Also, I understood the importance of having a good team that works hand in hand to achieve a common objective. Finally, thanks to such experience. You learn how to apply theories and models studied in class in a real case. Which has been beneficial in my academic experience and results.
Recommendations for students who are interested in case solving
Unfortunately, my team didn’t make it to the finals of the BIICC 2019. However, watching the finals was a great experience as you get to see the other competitors’ solutions and presentations. The goody bags provided plus the speeches in between the presentation make the event more pleasant and interesting to attend. I would personally recommend the students interested in joining the case club to attend the BIICC finals. As they will see what is expected from a case solution and the skills required to attain such level.
Case solving is the best way to improve you team-working skills, leaderships abilities, PowerPoint and oral presentation skills. Additionally, you get to apply the knowledge learnt in class in real cases which is highly beneficial. The best way to improve in case solving is by joining BI’s Case Club. You will meet students with the same passion and motivation for case solving. The Case Club is overseen by BI’s administration and lecturers. During the training sessions, multiple guests are invited to judge and give feedbacks on your performances. This is very beneficial to get a real and professional opinion. The guests are mainly coming from major consulting companies.